First Bus

hi all
I know a lot of pro drivers also hold psv and was wondering if anyone knew the approx pay for psv

many thanks one and all

Well certainly the pay in the Greater Glasgow area for all new starts - who already have a PSV/PCV licence - is £8.50 an hour straight through. Drivers with “continuous” long service records are on approximately £9.65 an hour.

But then there’s the actual job… :frowning: :frowning: :imp:

looooooool I would give first bus a wide berth if I were you.

Worst job EVER

It varies widely depending on the part of the country you are looking at, as do local agrements on working conditions. Down here in the South West hourly rate is a lot lower than in the London, Midlands, North or Aberdeen (where HQ is). New starters in my depot are on about £7.80 per hour rising to £8.76 after 6 years. Ask at your local depot to see what their hourly rate is and IF they are recruiting at the moment. many depots have a full staff and are not recruiting now, It can be a crap job, but few are leaving at the moment. If and when things return to normal with the economy I suspect that it will go back to the usual situation where drivers leave faster than they can train replacements.

looooooool I would give first bus a wide berth if I were you.

Worst job EVER

watch this Steve :wink:

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looooooool I would give first bus a wide berth if I were you.

Worst job EVER

watch this Steve :wink:

LOL I havn’t seen that for years. ALL very true! Those Smily buses were fawkin awfull.

Thanks for the er… not so fond memory :laughing:

I suspect that it will go back to the usual situation where drivers leave faster than they can train replacements.

Hence the reason there are more Polish than British working in my old depot :unamused:

Did you know in the Glasgow area you can get sacked for being 1 minute early? Shame, I used to run up to 20 minutes early when I drove for citylink lol :laughing:

Bath and Bristol for First have vacancies.£14 hour overtime.Automatic licence training,pay back if you leave within 2 years,as used to get manual and auto gearbox training,as drivers would leave to work on stick boxes with another company.Spoke to some drivers,they are happy with their lot,and never leave.Get to do national express.I would like to do Eurolines ltd,all over europe,2 drivers,one hits to Paris,Amsterdam,Porto,Lisbon,Madrid,Prague,Budapest etc etc. :confused:


I suspect that it will go back to the usual situation where drivers leave faster than they can train replacements.

Hence the reason there are more Polish than British working in my old depot :unamused:

Did you know in the Glasgow area you can get sacked for being 1 minute early? Shame, I used to run up to 20 minutes early when I drove for citylink lol :laughing:

when I was driving for first glasgow out of the larkfield depot I was suspended for a week for running early .I was always rosterd onto the last 31 from east kilbride to glasgow at night that used to terminate at carmunnock at 12.15am noone ever got on in 6 month and and I was wanting home the one night so I ran back into the depot without going to the terminus :blush:

so being suspened did me a favour as I used that week to find a better job :slight_smile:

God-first bus still gives me nightmares! Dennis darts are the spawn of satan! I drove for first in falkirk and hated every minute of it! Take my advice - become a burger flipper! Crap money but way less hassle! :smiley:

First - Transforming travel

by [zb]ing it up