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I went to Finland on work related stuff last week. And saw this! Never seen one in the flesh before.

It’s a 40 tonne rigid! (FMX tipper) And actually when I got closer, it was well designed and had a rear steer, so it’s probably just as manoeuvrable as a standard 8 wheeler.

The one thing I loved about Finland and I’m sure it’s the same for other European country’s, they are not afraid to spec something different, they look for ways to improve things. It feels like in the uk some operators just follow trends or just ask the dealer what’s best.

Do you know any other great configurations that other country’s use that we don’t?

I’m posting this here as well as I would like to hear off operators that have specked their own vehicles from new, we have had a few trailers built and specked a truck last year and have really pushed the design for what worked for us. Have any of you guys designed, built or specked anything out of the norm?

I had an Andover plant body well specced up and would have got it on a new chassis if we’d not stumbled across something that was very good. Not quite the same I know but I took their already excellent design and added bits an pieces to it so that it would have been tailor made for me and my job. Having used and looked at loads of vehicles in this area of work I’ve often seen one thing here or there that looked good. I wrote them all down and sent it to Andover who came up with the final spec.

Kind of a shame it never happened as it’d have probably been the best plant body out there, not the worst outcome though as I’ve got a well specced motor with a very good body & crane rather than an OK motor with a perfect body and recycled crane.

These are also common place on Swiss roads IIRC