Fines abroad.

Heard on the Radio today that they are thinking about making it law that if you commit any motoring offence eg speeding, parking abroad that you will soon have a ticket come to your home. I just hope it works in reverse because Tony wants to pay for his £3.2m house somehow. :laughing:

Yes it is true, the department of transport in each country in the e.u. are getting together so that any offences committed in either country will not go unnoticed or indeed unpunished…and that will include the points system and suspension and or losing your licence…how it will work beats me…because in some countries (holland) for example speeding is only a points…whereas over here speeding is a fine and points…so if for example a british driver is caught speeding in holland (via a camera) for example and our D.O.T. issue the drivers details…does he get the dutch punishment or the english one ? we will find out in due course.
have a nice day