finding information

I have posted this on the owner drivers forum as well…
I read all the posts regarding the O/D’s starting up or buying their new trucks with great interest as I am doing the same. I have chosen a Merc 2745 V8 plated at 44t with lots of extra’s (900lt fuel tanks) air con, etc. 200k on clock immaculate. I have spent hours on the net going over lease deals, insurance, trailer deals, accountants who understand the haulage business and all the other bits required to put together a company for me.

I am now in the last stages of it all and I have got it all together including a contract hauling to Italy every week starting December for 58 weeks. My business will go live 1st November this year and I am working right up to Friday 28th October.

The reason for this post is:- I look and ask trawl through all relevant posts etc. but would’nt it be a good idea for TRUCKNET to get the companies that are out there to come on here and offer advice to all of us regarding how they can help the new start ups? They might even be interested in advertising with you!

Also lets have a NICE TO DO BUSINESS as we have a name and shame why not the opposite and let people like me be able to name the companies that have bent over backwards to help realise our dream