Well after nearly 5 month off the road due to me having to go in hospital and have operations on both eyes for 2 retinal tears and a detached retina of my right eye I have finally got the all clear to go back driving trucks from my consultant! it’s the news I have been waiting for and at the same time dreading I’d never here again. Yes we moan about the early starts,late finishes,Beeing away from home, bad planners or management, the forkie who won’t tip that one pallet you have for him at 16:35 as he “finishes at half 4,have to wait till morning drive!” There is nothing I like more than driving all over the A and B roads and Motorways of this country seeing new places and meeting new folk. Trucking is in my blood and a way of life for me and I don’t know how I would have coped if it was taken away from me and I’d have to work in a factory starring at 4 walls and a ceiling as that ain’t me at all, I love being on the open road and these last 5 month have made me appreciate my job even more its been that bad I’ve even been listening to the traffic reports on Talksport and wishing I was stuck in that “5 mile tailback on the A17 due to a broken down tractor” sad I know! but trust me its better than being sat at home watching the slippers,smack heads and pond life on Jeremy Kyle everyday! I’m going to give it another 4 week as I’m still on drops and my eye still needs time to settle down but then hopefully I’ll be back behind the wheel seeing and meeting a few of you up and down the roads and in the truckstops very soon Keep On Trucking.
Awesome news Steve. Really pleased for you brother rubber!
Well done, brilliant news.
Cheers mate do you know that the DVLA have actually made it less strict for drivers eyesight in their weaker eye? It used to have to be 6/9 in you’re good eye and 6/12 in the weaker eye. Now it’s 6/7.5 in the good eye and 6/60 in the weak eye and mine is 20/20 vision in my left(good eye) and 6/18 in my right(week eye) so happy days!
Absolutely brilliant enjoy your driving.
Congrats great news Mate glad some one as passionate for the job gets the chance to keep doing it.
Good luck Stevie…i think im at the end now, im not paying out for dcpc…but im in the old codgers club, got until next year to make my mind up whether i go hole hog or just forget about it, some days i miss it others i dont…like winter time…great job i think in the summer…if you get one, still looking for part time on puddle jumpers, not much about…unless you can hack multidrop…not for me…bit of distance work would be great, when you get back on the road ill look out for ya , cheers shytalk.
Good luck Stevie…i think im at the end now, im not paying out for dcpc…but im in the old codgers club, got until next year to make my mind up whether i go hole hog or just forget about it, some days i miss it others i dont…like winter time…great job i think in the summer…if you get one, still looking for part time on puddle jumpers, not much about…unless you can hack multidrop…not for me…bit of distance work would be great, when you get back on the road ill look out for ya , cheers shytalk.
Gonna be a shame to loose alot off the old boys was talking to a driver today who is packing up next September the fun seems to have gone over the last few years as a youngish driver I enjoy seein the same faces about saying hello and having a yarn with the old lads listening to some stories and winding them up on occasions will be sad to see alot off them pack in because they only have 40 years experience behind the wheel and not 35 hours in a portacabin.
Absolutely chuffed to bits for you pal! hope it goes well for you Steve lad! yes it’s going to be fun next year, lots of old hands hanging up their keys! SUMS THIS COUNTRY UP IN ONE!
Fatboy slimslow:
Absolutely chuffed to bits for you pal! hope it goes well for you Steve lad! yes it’s going to be fun next year, lots of old hands hanging up their keys! SUMS THIS COUNTRY UP IN ONE!
Hows things buddy ? too rite…thatl be me , jingle jingle…and wot the other op said just sums it up …35 hours in a classroom for us olduns for wot…its a mockery…and you wont get paid anymore at the end of the week for the pleasure.
Well after nearly 5 month off the road due to me having to go in hospital and have operations on both eyes for 2 retinal tears and a detached retina of my right eye I have finally got the all clear to go back driving trucks from my consultant! it’s the news I have been waiting for and at the same time dreading I’d never here again. Yes we moan about the early starts,late finishes,Beeing away from home, bad planners or management, the forkie who won’t tip that one pallet you have for him at 16:35 as he “finishes at half 4,have to wait till morning drive!” There is nothing I like more than driving all over the A and B roads and Motorways of this country seeing new places and meeting new folk. Trucking is in my blood and a way of life for me and I don’t know how I would have coped if it was taken away from me and I’d have to work in a factory starring at 4 walls and a ceiling as that ain’t me at all, I love being on the open road and these last 5 month have made me appreciate my job even more its been that bad I’ve even been listening to the traffic reports on Talksport and wishing I was stuck in that “5 mile tailback on the A17 due to a broken down tractor” sad I know! but trust me its better than being sat at home watching the slippers,smack heads and pond life on Jeremy Kyle everyday! I’m going to give it another 4 week as I’m still on drops and my eye still needs time to settle down but then hopefully I’ll be back behind the wheel seeing and meeting a few of you up and down the roads and in the truckstops very soon Keep On Trucking.
Good news Pal,
Keep trucking till you want to stop.
I only wish they could repair my ticker as easily…boredom is worse when only 50 !, Or thats my opinion.
Well after nearly 5 month off the road due to me having to go in hospital and have operations on both eyes for 2 retinal tears and a detached retina of my right eye I have finally got the all clear to go back driving trucks from my consultant! it’s the news I have been waiting for and at the same time dreading I’d never here again. Yes we moan about the early starts,late finishes,Beeing away from home, bad planners or management, the forkie who won’t tip that one pallet you have for him at 16:35 as he “finishes at half 4,have to wait till morning drive!” There is nothing I like more than driving all over the A and B roads and Motorways of this country seeing new places and meeting new folk. Trucking is in my blood and a way of life for me and I don’t know how I would have coped if it was taken away from me and I’d have to work in a factory starring at 4 walls and a ceiling as that ain’t me at all, I love being on the open road and these last 5 month have made me appreciate my job even more its been that bad I’ve even been listening to the traffic reports on Talksport and wishing I was stuck in that “5 mile tailback on the A17 due to a broken down tractor” sad I know! but trust me its better than being sat at home watching the slippers,smack heads and pond life on Jeremy Kyle everyday! I’m going to give it another 4 week as I’m still on drops and my eye still needs time to settle down but then hopefully I’ll be back behind the wheel seeing and meeting a few of you up and down the roads and in the truckstops very soon Keep On Trucking.
excellent news mate so pleased for you.hopefully see ya on the road sometime mate.
Fair play mate, I know exactly where you’re coming from.
I do think the constant and ongoing ratcheting up of road regulations in the name of road safety is getting a bit ridiculous now, most of the legislation aimed at the driver & to prosecute the driver.
I take pride in being a courteous and conscientious road user but the constant introduction of new tools to prosecute drivers is getting a bit on top now, granted if you do nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about but still…
Vosa now have a load security matrix with looks very pretty and i’m sure somebody took great pride in drawing it with grades of offence.
Common sense doesn’t get a look in if they can tick a box and give an FPN.
As drivers, WE can turn it back onto companies! Loaded trailers for example, bull, lidls, aldis and nettos! WE ARE NOT WAREHOUSEMEN! You’ve got to grow a set SIMPLES! Steve glad you can get back on the open road pal! FREEDOM! did you drive class two for a firm with blue wagons from Barnsley about five years ago? The name escapes me! JDS perhaps? I’ve a memory like a sieve!
Good news that Steve I will maybe catch you with the camera going through Sanquhar once you get back on the go.Eddie.
That’s good news mate. But I hope you stay off the 76 till your eyesight is bang on!
That’s good news mate. But I hope you stay off the 76 till your eyesight is bang on!
I usually go across the 71 and come through â– â– â– â– â– â– â– anyway:) thanks for the good words lads
God your eyes must be bad…that’s the 70!!!
Hell Steve you are a brave man chancing your luck with all them tipper men charging up and down there it’s the wakey races. Eddie.
Keep your eyes on the road for me in Portugeude Stop trans truck with Morrocan trailer.