Finally got a job after 6 months

Hey fellow truckers

I haven’t posted for months as I almost gave up on my career change, however, that has all changed as I have finally managed to bag myself my first class 2 driving job!!! In all honesty I could have achieved this a lot quicker but I became accustomed to rejection after applying to so many companies with no joy whatsoever, that I started to apply less and slowly started to give up. I was being picky as well as I didn’t want to go down the agency route due to my current situation. Despite all of that, I have now been offered what seems to be the perfect introduction to trucking for me. A Monday to Friday role, 6:30am starts, doing local pallet deliveries!!! I’m so excited!! A proper company, a full time position and all the benefits with a good pay packet and uniform etc. Really can’t wait to get started. So to all us newbies, it really can be done if you persist. Happy days!

Well done.

06:30 start, but what time will you finish? I thought that the EU ruled 9 to 10 hours a day was alright, until I realised that only covers the actual driving, and that the working day can be up to 15 hours. :open_mouth:


And 15 hours at £12.50 is sound :laughing:

Congrats pal, pallets are not too bad…
Just make sure you know how the tail lift works before you set off. :blush:

Well done mate that’s brilliant news. Direct employment too, none of that agency bull crap.

Cheers guys. It’s 50 hours per week but swings and roundabouts as they said. Sometimes an 8 hour day or maybe 12. I do that anyway at my desk job so this is better for me. Can’t friggin wait. New career new me.

If you’re unsure on anything regarding the truck please don’t be afraid to ask for help. Do not make the mistake of not asking then being stuck out on road with no clue what to do.

Congrats and good luck.

If you’re unsure on anything regarding the truck please don’t be afraid to ask for help. Do not make the mistake of not asking then being stuck out on road with no clue what to do.

Congrats and good luck.

Hey JaxDemon, thanks pal and good advice, I definitely will do. Just can’t wait. I start in three weeks today. No more desk job!!

Hows the pallet job going mate??

Well done Doobz, getting the foot in the first door is the hardest part.

Welcome to the world of pallet deliveries. Been doing it now since July 2015 and my current job was the first place I applied to after getting my licence. I cover parts of Norfolk and tend to average 12-18 pallets per day on 2 runs. When I started, I had only just moved to the area so it was hard finding my way around the country roads up here but that comes in time. Lessons I’ve leant include taking your time and not rushing about madly, getting a decent map (Phillips are good) & a sat-nav, making sure that your pallets are loaded correctly (and in the order you want to take them off), straping them securely and lastly knowing your own (and your truck’s) limitations - i.e. don’t go where you don’t fit… :blush:

We start at 0700 & I generally finish between 1700-1800 occasionally earlier. I find it enjoyable but it was a steep learning curve when I started. I dropped a pallet off the tail-lift on the first day & totally screwed up my deliveries on the second day in the centre of Norwich. Survived the first week and since then my knowledge & confidence has grown. You will have good days & bad days - just take a deep breath & carry on - good luck & I would be interested to hear your experiences