Finally....all 48 states

Its taken me since May 2009 but I’ve finally got my full lower 48 states. For the past year I’ve only needed Nevada and California. I got a load from Grand Falls, NB going to Stockton, CA which has sorted that out.

Nice one Driver :smiley:

I’ve a few to go to yet I think I’ve been to 40 myself…

Still on 44 and as I’m Canada only now, the OR, NH, VT and ME boxes will remain unticked for now…

Well done Robin. I am missing North and South Dakota and Montana.

What is the score with California? Every one I’ve ever spoken to has claimed that you must never exceed 55mph, not by so much as 1 or 2mph or you WILL get done for it. Having heard this for the past 4 years, I naturally crossed over the state line and spent the next few days there religiously sticking to 55 and in the process became a rolling roadblock as every other truck got boxed in behind me, before finding an opportunity to roar past me doing 60-65mph. I must have been overtaken by hundreds of trucks, are they just taking a chance or isn’t California all that bad after all? I know driving that slow drove me insane.

Pat Hasler:
I am missing North and South Dakota

Two of the most boring places in the world to drive through. I would like to see Mount Rushmore though, which I think is in SD?

Pat Hasler:
Well done Mark. I am missing North and South Dakota and Montana.

You haven’t lived Pat , could explain the negativity :laughing:

CHP will leave you alone at 60-62, I’ve been radared by Jon or Ponch at 62 and they weren’t at all bothered.

I’ve also been through a scale with my trailer wheels slid all the way back on a 53’ and didn’t have a problem.

It is a bit like the Basque Country, the red caps had a fearsome reputation, but that’s all it is…reputation.


Pat Hasler:
I am missing North and South Dakota

Two of the most boring places in the world to drive through. I would like to see Mount Rushmore though, which I think is in SD?

Yeah they are boring. It is in SD theres a flying j not far from it and a bus that takes you there stops just over the road.

California is a nice state but the DOT are not :angry:
I even ran up the west side of Nevada, then went east a bit to get to route 78 in Oregon to avoid it once, mind you it was abad choice, 78 is so desolate if there had been a breakdown I would have died, there was no cell service and I never saw a single living creature (apart from James in the passenger seat) for 3 hours, so just heading into Caifornia on that occasion would have been better.

I found the people to be remarkably friendly, even the Mexicans there were a happier bunch than the miserable lot further east who just grunt and stare at gringo’s with contempt usually. However its bloody horrible for traffic, in many ways it seemed like Connecticut with palm trees and Spanish place names. I’m now parked in the Flying J in Rawlins, WY heading for Toronto so my nice long haul trip is drawing to a close.

hi everyone, we have beaten you all, we have done the lower 48 and now just done a
trip to seward, Alaska. It’s ok up there, actually preferred the Yukon which is stunning.
we went to mt rushmore a couple of years ago, we dropped our trailer in the flying j
and bobtailed out. it is about a 30 min drive and you just pay a fee to enter the park.
it’s ok to bobtail in but DO NOT take a trailer.

hi everyone, we have beaten you all, we have done the lower 48 and now just done a
trip to seward, Alaska. It’s ok up there, actually preferred the Yukon which is stunning.
we went to mt rushmore a couple of years ago, we dropped our trailer in the flying j
and bobtailed out. it is about a 30 min drive and you just pay a fee to enter the park.
it’s ok to bobtail in but DO NOT take a trailer.

Ok, now I’m jealous!

hi everyone, we have beaten you all, we have done the lower 48 and now just done a
trip to seward, Alaska. It’s ok up there, actually preferred the Yukon which is stunning.
we went to mt rushmore a couple of years ago, we dropped our trailer in the flying j
and bobtailed out. it is about a 30 min drive and you just pay a fee to enter the park.
it’s ok to bobtail in but DO NOT take a trailer.


Hope these come out, never posted photos on here before.

Superb photos!!

Really great pics!

The only state of the lower 48 I had missed with the truck was New Mexico.
On our move on the way down to Texas we finally made it, all 48!

Will see if I can add Alaska one day.


I’ve got the Alaska Highway photo from Dawson Creek, been up to Ft St John, that’s my furthest north, or Ft McKay AB, one of them two anyway…so far.

Alaska is the one I really want, that and Tuktoyuktuk.

Thanks. It was a great trip. We actually started from Halifax NS where we got the 20 container from, it was a special job which the company does once a year and they wanted a team to do it so we were offered it. It was around 5100 miles one way. We left on Friday evening and dropped box following thurs lunchtime, could have been there weds but didnt need to be. Then ran empty chassis to Edmonton yard then worked our way
back to monton NB. Trip took 14 days, could have done it quicker but sat in Edmonton 2 days over long weekend
waiting for a trailer to start heading us back East. We did a reset in Seward which is a small tourist town which
has cruise ships come in. You can go on boat trips to see the glaciers in Kenai National park. The glacier in pic
is on way to Anchorage from Tok. Once you pass Grand Prairie AB there is no 4 lane highway until a small
stretch around Anchorage, just passing areas. The US Canadian border posts are about 30km apart and in
between them the road is so bad you are down to 20km an hour other than that it`s mostly good. Would like to
have seen Denali National Park in Alaska, but I have to say the Yukon is better.

great pics but looks like a million flies or mossies on the bear…