Ferrymode on digi tacho

hi can anyone give me correct imformation on ferrymode and the correct order in which to select the mode switch thankyou

The way I do it is first put it on break, then driver entry end country, then vehicle entry ferry mode.
Then in the morning driver entry start country then when I can start dtiving.
Never had any probs with that way

I’ve never had to use the ferry option myself but here’s a post from Coffeeholic who used it regularly.

Click Here

That’s all well and good for crossings that are less less than a daily rest.
And very complicated. Neil always made things complicated.
All my crossings are over night, at least 12 hours so my way works.
If your in a cross channel ferry it’s not worth bothering about

That’s all well and good for crossings that are less less than a daily rest.
And very complicated. Neil always made things complicated.
All my crossings are over night, at least 12 hours so my way works.
If your in a cross channel ferry it’s not worth bothering about

But you only need to use the ferry mode if the daily rest period is being interrupted, in which case the way described in the link is the correct way.

Basically you use the ferry mode every time you move the vehicle to get on/off the ferry whilst on daily rest, to be honest I don’t really see how it’s that complicated :confused:

I use the ferry mode to show that I’m starting my daily test in 1 country and finishing it in another,
Just toile it very clear to the morons that are VOSA, BAG or any other idiot that has the right to look for ways to fine me that I spent the night on a boat with a bed and food.
So yes because of the way different countries interpret the law, it is complicated

Unless you are splitting your rest period there is absolutely no need to use the Ferry / Train Crossing selector.

You arrive at the ferry port, collect your tickets and join a queue, when they call you forward, you park your lorry, switch it to rest, country etc grab your bag and go to the bar/ restaurant.

In the morning you return to the cab, activate your card and enter country etc.

The only thing confusing about that is if you try to work 15 hour shifts and have 12 hours rest

Never do any more than 8 hour shift when going for the boat on the job I’m doing now, but will still use ferry setting on digital tacho.
Just for my peace of mind