Ferries and trains, rest, OW or ferry mode?

Still learning the ropes n stuff so please be gentle :laughing:

When crossing to France or Ireland to Holyhead etc, what mode would you put it to?

Would it depend on how long crossing is? Ie: over 3hrs, it can be used as first part of spilt rest can’t it?

What factors need to be considered as to which mode I select?

I’ve heard there’s a ferry mode, what does this actually do to your hours or wt?

The ferry ‘mode’ is used only if you need to do make movements during a full 11 hour daily rest

Its not A MODE as such but puts a mark on the records to show that a ferry crossing along with a full daily rest is taking place

For any other crossings most would put it on break

If that break is 3+ hours then it can be used as a split daily rest 3+9 = full daily rest