Ferries 1950`s style

OK then who can remember these ferries? :smiley:

youtube.com/watch?v=DlyX7h_S … ure=relmfu

youtube.com/watch?v=5yiKnmP_ … ure=relmfu

Thanks for posting these links.

There are still a few of us around who remember the TFS services, Bardic Ferry, Gaelic Ferry, Cerdic Ferry etc. Drivers were treated as first class passengers and very well looked after on board. Quite a few drivers baulked at having to reverse all the way down the ramps but that was all part of the fun!

Great links mate thanks.

I think there was a "DORIC " as well which ended up on Preston to Larne , you were always treated well on those ferries and I am sure the cabins were all wood paneled.
cheers Johnnie

Evening all, Johnnie, thank you, after a b…y awfull day, (as some are), a really great bit of nostalgia!!!

The problem for me… it still seems current, and that spine tingling reverse to get on some of those boats, and the exciting drive off…into a world, so different, where every single thing was new…sadly I can still remember it, and I like some of you, well, we are really lucky to have experienced it!!!

Thanks again, greatly enjoyable, (my English grammer is as bad as my French )!! I`m away to the Bollinger, …a lot happier than 30minutes ago!! Very happy days indeed, (and I always wore a tie, to show how respectable I was)!!! Cheerio for now.

Thanks for posting these links.

There are still a few of us around who remember the TFS services, Bardic Ferry, Gaelic Ferry, Cerdic Ferry etc. Drivers were treated as first class passengers and very well looked after on board. Quite a few drivers baulked at having to reverse all the way down the ramps but that was all part of the fun!

Found some bits n bobs on"t Net ers bordic ferry think it was the first to run out of tilbury to Belgium early 1950s cheers Chris.

Bardic Ferry Tlbury1950s.JPG


Thanks for posting these links.

There are still a few of us around who remember the TFS services, Bardic Ferry, Gaelic Ferry, Cerdic Ferry etc. Drivers were treated as first class passengers and very well looked after on board. Quite a few drivers baulked at having to reverse all the way down the ramps but that was all part of the fun!

Found some bits n bobs on"t Net ers bordic ferry think it was the first to run out of tilbury to Belgium early 1950s cheers Chris.