"Fell off the back of a lorry"

when I was a transport manger in corby more than a few years ago, one of mine managed to remove his rollalong atlas crane completely from the rear of the trailer whilst trying to get under the bridge at the hospital in kettering, fell onto the road just in front of a car. he’d loaded bulk bags of fertiliser and instead of packing the crane and grab up , had just laid it along the top of the load and it ■■■■■■■ the bridge as he went under.
bit of a mess as this was pre A14 days , so it was the main road through kettering . took me ages to get there with another crane trailer to pick it up. unfortunately it was a P45 job for the individual concerned

I very nearly lost a load of tesco cages once. I was up near Southport somewhere and stopped facing up a hill. The lights changed, I set off, and there was an almighty crash. I thought someone had run into the back of me and stopped to have a look.

Similar thing with me. I had a full load of M&S Soup just before Christmas, drove it back to the yard beautifully, (trainer in the passenger seat) and as I was reversing in, clipped a curb and heard that sickening noise of tumbling crates.

Got lucky though! All the product was fine, I’d done a bang up job of strapping it. But when the load tried to shift it ripped the loadlok bar out of the passenger side of the trailer. Note to self, don’t strap it that tight next time.