Im fed up ! cameras everywhere ,digi tachos, sneaky vans , i was told today i could,nt use a steam cleaner as i hav,nt done the H&S course on it ? i had a MAN hired unit this week , but before they gave me the keys , i was instructed that if it needed oil etc i had to get a fitter to stick the oil etc in ?im not allowed to change a wheel alone ? i was even instructed on how to climb in to a unit ? BUT the best was that i was asked if i had a pair of googles ,and if so company rules say wear them when filling up ■■ Someone somewhere has got far too much time on there hands .

Im fed up ! cameras everywhere ,digi tachos, sneaky vans , i was told today i could,nt use a steam cleaner as i hav,nt done the H&S course on it ? i had a MAN hired unit this week , but before they gave me the keys , i was instructed that if it needed oil etc i had to get a fitter to stick the oil etc in ?im not allowed to change a wheel alone ? i was even instructed on how to climb in to a unit ? BUT the best was that i was asked if i had a pair of googles ,and if so company rules say wear them when filling up ■■ Someone somewhere has got far too much time on there hands .

We got a letter today warning us about wearing shorts at work. I can only presume it is Health and Safety again.


Well, if you’re so fed up why don’t you do something useful that will actually help you, like learning how to write in English, for example?


Wheelnut said:

We got a letter today warning us about wearing shorts at work. I can only presume it is Health and Safety again.

More like Hair and Safety…“Oooo there’s a pube in my tanker”. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Wheel Nut:

Im fed up ! cameras everywhere ,digi tachos, sneaky vans , i was told today i could,nt use a steam cleaner as i hav,nt done the H&S course on it ? i had a MAN hired unit this week , but before they gave me the keys , i was instructed that if it needed oil etc i had to get a fitter to stick the oil etc in ?im not allowed to change a wheel alone ? i was even instructed on how to climb in to a unit ? BUT the best was that i was asked if i had a pair of googles ,and if so company rules say wear them when filling up ■■ Someone somewhere has got far too much time on there hands .

We got a letter today warning us about wearing shorts at work. I can only presume it is Health and Safety again.
hey a company with some sense should ban all shorts from work, personally i dont think it looks very professional and some people out there should never let those legs out without a saftey warning or before the watershed :laughing: :blush: :open_mouth:

Wheel Nut:
We got a letter today warning us about wearing shorts at work. I can only presume it is Health and Safety again.

Which reminds me of this old story: Skirting around Sweden’s heat



Wheel Nut:
We got a letter today warning us about wearing shorts at work. I can only presume it is Health and Safety again.

Which reminds me of this old story: Skirting around Sweden’s heat


Very Funny, Must go.

Im off to Dorothy Perkins :wink:

I taught i did wrote in englush

Was told , they ask you IF you have a hard hat at a certain large hub ,in Northampton , you have to wear it when dropping trailers ?

Was told , they ask you IF you have a hard hat at a certain large hub ,in Northampton , you have to wear it when dropping trailers ?

until it falls off your head when its bent over as you pull the susies.
it will end up on the driveshaft.
they are gone too far with health and safety and getting worse as i see it.
its jobs for the boys.

Someone somewhere has got far too much time on there hands .

Usually some ■■■■■■■ who ■■■■■■ up and says the company never instructed him and he now wants to pursue a claim. Next time a bloke says to you he won x amount of compo for an accident give him a smack in the mouth from the rest of us !!!

Always 1 smarty pants you want to read my postingsyou,ll cream your pants, i was got rejected form ofgf the geryemy kyle show. Or just after i passed my class 1 in 76 i was sweating to back in a bay . I knew you had to turn that big wheel the other way so i asked an other driver to do it for me he guided me in and all was ok . in less than 5 years i was in the same situation with a new driver and did the same for him. And yes he reversed ok. So superior one no doubt you,d laughed so high up on L plates because no matter what your licence say,s you aint no truck driver

toothpick johnny:
Always 1 smarty pants you want to read my postingsyou,ll cream your pants, i was got rejected form ofgf the geryemy kyle show. Or just after i passed my class 1 in 76 i was sweating to back in a bay . I knew you had to turn that big wheel the other way so i asked an other driver to do it for me he guided me in and all was ok . in less than 5 years i was in the same situation with a new driver and did the same for him. And yes he reversed ok. So superior one no doubt you,d laughed so high up on L plates because no matter what your licence say,s you aint no truck driver

Good one Johnny ! :smiley:
You show 'em !!!

You are a HGV driver. You must tell your employers that it is your duty to keep the vehicle clean as you can’t do your daily checks if it is not, as you may not be able to spot faults. ie. Dirty damaged airlines, you can’t see a potential problem. dirty chassis you can’t see a crack.
You must tell them that you are a profesional driver.
If they stop you from doing your duty then they are breaking the law.
However, the police spend a week on a vehicle jet washing course. What a sign of the times. :unamused:

You are a HGV driver. You must tell your employers that it is your duty to keep the vehicle clean as you can’t do your daily checks if it is not, as you may not be able to spot faults. ie. Dirty damaged airlines, you can’t see a potential problem. dirty chassis you can’t see a crack.
You must tell them that you are a profesional driver.
If they stop you from doing your duty then they are breaking the law.
However, the police spend a week on a vehicle jet washing course. What a sign of the times. :unamused:

Is right Phil, tell them we are proffesional drivers !!

until it falls off your head when its bent over as you pull the susies.

Sorry, I don’t get that. Why would your hat fall off your head, unless you’re a proper numpty who’s driving his back to an early retirement by failing to use his knees?

Oh, wait a minute…


However, the police spend a week on a vehicle jet washing course. What a sign of the times. :unamused:

I would’nt of thought even the makers could design a course intresting enough to last a week, even for the police…

All complete ■■■■■■■■ :imp:

sadly your right Mr C