Faulty digi card dilemma

So as some of you know, I’ve been mulling over what to do about my faulty digi card. I know that I can drive without it for 2 weeks if I send it off to them to get replaced with a new one, but I’m just looking at D777B now and it appears that another option has presented itself.

My actual photocard and counterpart DL are up to date as far as my photo and current address go, but my digi card still has my old photo and old address. Part 1b on D777B says you can update the address and photo on your current digi card for no cost without needing to send the card to them, so long as your DL has your current address and an up to date photo. Does anyone know if they send you out a new card when you do this or does it only update the details on their own database?

The other thing is that the digi card actually expires in 3 weeks time and part 1e states that they require £19.99 for a new one.

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this. :stuck_out_tongue: If I send off the form informing them of my new address will I receive a new working card from them with a new expiry date many years in the future or will it still have the July expiry date and need to go through the whole process again in a few weeks time? Anyone know for sure what the craic is?

TNCSI will have all the answers very soon :slight_smile:

I’ve done this very thing. Filled in the change of address form. New card arrived with a letter stating the old one must be returned as its illegal to hold two. However the expiry date will remain the same so I’d wait if I were you and do it then.

I’ve done this very thing. Filled in the change of address form. New card arrived with a letter stating the old one must be returned as its illegal to hold two. So just do the change of address and they will send you a shiny new card with an envelope to return the old one.

Right okay, but what about the expiry date?

Sorry, just edited my above post. Expiry date stays same with address changes.


New digicard bowls up yesterday, showing new address and a 2018 expiry. :slight_smile: All good then. Sticks it in the truck last night “invalid card” :open_mouth: . What the heck? :open_mouth: :confused: On closer inspection the thick [zb]s at Swansea evidently haven’t “replaced” my faulty one but just issued me with a new one in exchange for my renewal fee. The start date on the new one is not until 12 July (broken card expires 11) so of course that’s why it’s coming up as invalid. What can you do ffs? :unamused: Legally I’m now not supposed to be driving because I’m well over the 15 days grace period for the faulty (current, in date) card but imho this is not my problem that DVLA can’t read the covering letter I enclosed with it along with the D777B form with all the correct boxes ticked. More [zb]ing manual print outs it is then… :angry: :angry: :angry: :unamused:

Rob K:

I had exactly the same scenario. I also saw the COA option so no £19 fee. The new one arrived with the letter you mentioned about the fine for not returning the original. It says that you must have the old card scanned before you return it. Since I am an agency ■■■ I never get my card scanned since I bounce to a different client every week.
I called them and spoke to a “supervisor” and explained this-she said not to worry since this is the case! I asked her to make a note on my file reflecting my situation and asked about the $5000 fine. I called back talked to person x and asked them to check the file to confirm the submission and I?t Is there!
My point is if it is faulty how does it “scan”? Now I have two card…the other day I was late and hustled into the cab and not until the end of the day did I realise that I had used the “faulty” one by accident! The mystery remains…

Rob K:

I had exactly the same scenario. I also saw the COA option so no £19 fee. The new one arrived with the letter you mentioned about the fine for not returning the original. It says that you must have the old card scanned before you return it. Since I am an agency ■■■ I never get my card scanned since I bounce to a different client every week.
I called them and spoke to a “supervisor” and explained this-she said not to worry since this is the case! I asked her to make a note on my file reflecting my situation and asked about the $5000 fine. I called back talked to person x and asked them to check the file to confirm the submission and I?t Is there!
My point is if it is faulty how does it “scan”? Now I have two card…the other day I was late and hustled into the cab and not until the end of the day did I realise that I had used the “faulty” one by accident! The mystery remains…

Also, if your card is faulty you should have informed DVLA and they give you a ‘special’ number in case VOSAstappo pull you.

Also, if your card is faulty you should have informed DVLA and they give you a ‘special’ number in case VOSAstappo pull you.

SPECIAL # AS IN YOU PHONE THEM AND ASK 4 IT? :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Also, if your card is faulty you should have informed DVLA and they give you a ‘special’ number in case VOSAstappo pull you.

There is no human being to speak to on the digi card department. It’s just about 10 different recorded messages, none of which fit the dilemma that I had. Anyway, as I mentioned above, I already put it a covering letter stating that it was faulty (which I have a copy of) and they’ve just completely ignored it and simply issued a renewal card which doesn’t work until the (faulty) one expires. ■■■■ it. If Vosa stop me then I’ll just tell them the story and they can deal with it. If they want to be arsey ■■■■■ about it then I’ll say get on with taking me to court and I’ll tell the story to them instead. I’ve done my bit and I’m not going to sit at home turning down work and money because of their ineptness. :angry: