Fault message/error

I keep having trouble posting comments or sending messages to people. I get an error/ fault message. But it’s not consistent, sometimes it does work…?
I also keep getting messages saying the failed to connect to forum…

I don’t have many answers, but the tech guys will need more details about the error messages , can you do a screen dump next time ?

A screen shot? No, the error message is only visible for a few seconds. All that happens is I try to comment on something and it just doesn’t send it.

if you are trying to comment on a post that has been removed, you will get an error message

Okay…well that must mean a hell of a lot of posts are being removed?!

Without knowing whats in the error message you are getting, we have no idea of what we are looking for, next time it happens can you try to screen shot it, or remember what it says please