Fatal Exception

Can anyone please help I keep receiving fatal exception errors usually they start 0028:
one that recurs is 0028:COO1545A which results in AOL closing down another was 0028:COO4B736 in VXD VFAT (01)+00009786 on pressing the any key to continue it went through several more on this occasion ending up with a blank screen.
This problem only occurs when trying to use my newly installed AOL 8 broadband I can use the dial up connection no problem at all.
The AOL and modem software has been reinstalled once under the guidance of aol helpline and the cache at that time was also cleared .I have run Norton system check which finds lots of ActiveX/com subkey entry missing or invalid which norton fixes but i end up with others on my next scan I ran norton speed disk and managed to stay online for 45 minutes is there a connection ? but now i can’t get it to work beyond the home page if it connects at all .
The Norton check also shows a missing file C:\programme files\common files\install shield\professional\runtime\0701\intel32\Dotnet installer.exe cannot access a necessary file “mscoree.dll”


AMD K6 500mhz
280 mb ram
9.6Gb 5.43 still free
Win 98 second edition v 4.1
Aol 8b ( been using aol 8 on dialup for some time no problem )

Any suggestions please or can I see a new computer on the horizon I know this one is a bit old now so I think I may be going shopping tomorrow :frowning: cheers

VXD errors are usually caused by device driver errors i.e. you installed a new video card and it’s driver updates a file used by the sound card and it doesn’t like it you get a VXD error.

3 things I would do.

Check you have latest drivers for the broadband modem - I am presuming this is causing the error as it was the last piece of hardware added to the PC.

Does the broadband modem connect through USB :question: Again I would look to see if there are any updated drivers for it.

Do a search on another WIN 98 PC for the missing dll file. If you find it then copy it to exactly the same place on your PC. If you can;t get to another PC then try searching on Google to see if it can downloaded from some where.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Easiest way to update sound and video drivers is to install the latest direct X on your system from a magazine cover disk.

If you did delete something recently that may be part of a driver try restoring everything in your recycle bin.


Im shouting because i am speaking from experiance and have deleted things in the past .

I had all sorts of problems when I first went over to broadband on aol.

Might not be relevant with your problem but if you are using an extension lead that is more than ten metres long all sorts of strange things happen!!!

I spent eight weeks getting all sorts of error codes and the computer kept on logging off.

Moved half the house around and used a five metre extension lead and everything has been tickety boo since.



Found this posting on the missing dll error.

delltalk.us.dell.com/supportforu … ge.id=4693

Gives a reason why it happens and a fix for it.


Best bit of advice is stick well clear of AOL. Heres a little story when AOL first launched they sacked no end of the programmers - why because they knew what AOL did to your system - TOTALLY MUCK IT UP

I agree AOL software is a pain to remove from a PC because of all files it puts in and updates. My previous boss has bother with AOL and tried to uninstall it. I ended up formatting his PC for him to get it working properly again.

Thanks for all the replies I am going to format and reinstall 98 se tonight see if that works if not it’ll be replaced I have my eye on a laptop now ,handy for dvd’s in the cab as well.
I have to stick with aol for the year now as its past cancellation I tend to agree that it could be the problem although I have been with them on a dial up connection for a while so upgrading seemed a good idea plus they do a 13 month pay in advance package for existing users @ £299 .

AOL (America Off-Line), NTL (NTHell) and BT should all be avoided. They WILL give you endless trouble. I’ve been with all of them at varying times. If you want a good ISP for broadband (ADSL) then go to adslguide.org.uk. Basically, you get what you pay for. I’m with Demon ADSL and for £25/month all incl, I have a faultless 576K broadband connection.

Rob K:
AOL (America Off-Line), NTL (NTHell) and BT should all be avoided. They WILL give you endless trouble. I’ve been with all of them at varying times. If you want a good ISP for broadband (ADSL) then go to adslguide.org.uk. Basically, you get what you pay for. I’m with Demon ADSL and for £25/month all incl, I have a faultless 576K broadband connection.

Well the formatting didn’t help so i have treated myself to a laptop :laughing:

aol seems fine now although problems when I first tried on the new one eventually traced to part of their network being down just my luck I thought here we go again :confused: