Farmers blockading Stanlow

Just heard on the news that 100 farmers have started to Blockade Stanlow this morning.

Why is it always the farmers that start it?
don’t they use red diesel?

Latest report on the BBC North West news was that there were 20 tractors & 40 farmers.

David Handley has apparently been taken into Stanlow in a Police car for talks with the management

typical. they should have waited til everyone else was ready and organised. farmer giles and his idiots are going to screw the whole thing up :imp:

Owner Drivers:
Why is it always the farmers that start it?

If it was left to the haulage industry nothing would be done it would be all talk as usual.

Yes we use red diesel, but there is a tax on that, it isnt totaly duty free, but that means and increase in oil price goes straight on the price of red. There is also a suspicion that red costs more (ie to put the die in) but the cost is going to subsidise white diesel somewhat.

Don’t slag off the farmers, If they can help our situation then they should be embraced.
I agree that they should have waited until everything was in place but don’t knock it. Its two weeks to the election and at the last protest Bliars popularity fell greatly. At this time it could cost him.
I also think we should keep it going till it really starts to hurt this time, 2-3 weeks should do it.

Don’t slag off the farmers, If they can help our situation then they should be embraced.
I agree that they should have waited until everything was in place but don’t knock it. Its two weeks to the election and at the last protest Bliars popularity fell greatly. At this time it could cost him.
I also think we should keep it going till it really starts to hurt this time, 2-3 weeks should do it.

2 - 3 weeks would put half the country out of business. they should have waited til 3rd may as planned. that way, everyone would know what is happening and we would all be ready for it. who knows what will happen now? are the rest going to follow suit or will they stick to the plan? idiots :imp:

Well it certainly needs to be longer than the last one.

absolutely but 2 weeks would basically have the entire country in their homes. it might even start a crime spree from those who did not prepare for a siege and are running out of food, ■■■■ etc.
too short = no change
too long = irrepairable damage and chaos
i think the time to lift the blockades will be down to judgement on the ground ie, they decide that the time is right to go home. or it will be down to negotiations and written contracts by the government which will legally require them to address the concerns of the protesters. i would want a legal document binding the government to do something if i was leading the blockades

I think farmers should have to pay what the rest of us pay for diesel, now in the region of 90pence a litre, perhaps then they will be up in arms having something actually to protest about.

i would expect the government to allow all commercial vehicles to use red diesel. i know it would not do me any favours as a consumer but it would definately help the industry

Don’t slag off the farmers, If they can help our situation then they should be embraced.

not sure who you thought had slagged off the farmers…it wasn’t me.
I asked why is it always the farmers that start it - meaning why does the haulage industry not manage to organise these things.

I understand that less ta means that any oil increases then means a bigger percentage increase - bu you don’t see many French farmers over here (or do you)?

keep up the good work

i will own up it was me that slagged the farmers off,and i will repeat it no way will i support oversubsidized, overpayed costs everyone on PAYE £360 per year to keep farmers in a job.If they cant hack it do what ,steelworkers,miners ,fishermen & others did get another job.They are just load of parasites.

Some of the earlier posts seemed to be having a go at farmers, I just reckon that if the fuel protests come off then we are going to be public enemy number 1 again. If farmers want to protest, well at least its another group of people on side. Hopefully taxi drivers will join in also.
If the general public will support the protests then I don’t see how we could lose this time.

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Some of the earlier posts seemed to be having a go at farmers, I just reckon that if the fuel protests come off then we are going to be public enemy number 1 again. If farmers want to protest, well at least its another group of people on side. Hopefully taxi drivers will join in also.
If the general public will support the protests then I don’t see how we could lose this time.

i disagree with the farmers going out a week early. it could jeopardise the official protests of next week.
the taxi drivers will support it again like last time
we already are public enemy number 1 :unamused:

I also agree, why couldn’t they just wait.
I also agree that they are well over subsidised, still good to have them on side though.
I personally don’t mind being enemy number one either as I hate car drivers.

I also agree, why couldn’t they just wait.
I also agree that they are well over subsidised, still good to have them on side though.
I personally don’t mind being enemy number one either as I hate car drivers.

i hate everybody :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
people just give me more reasons to moan :unamused: :laughing:

peter cherry:
i will own up it was me that slagged the farmers off,and i will repeat it no way will i support oversubsidized, overpayed costs everyone on PAYE £360 per year to keep farmers in a job.If they cant hack it do what ,steelworkers,miners ,fishermen & others did get another job.They are just load of parasites.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

peter cherry:
i will own up it was me that slagged the farmers off,and i will repeat it no way will i support oversubsidized, overpayed costs everyone on PAYE £360 per year to keep farmers in a job.If they cant hack it do what ,steelworkers,miners ,fishermen & others did get another job.They are just load of parasites.

What a load of ■■■■■■■ rollocks ,
as for all farmers driving around in RANGEROVERS etc ,also ■■■■■■■ rollocks, I use to deliver feed all around this green and pleasent land and the number of farmers I met who where living hand to mouth just about keeping their heads above water far outwayed the stereo typical rich farmer gentlemen , these guys where working king hard for a living , me I couldnt hack their life I would rather sit on my arse all day ,thats why I drive a truck.
And if I do have to pay £360.00 a year so ■■■■■■■ what, I can afford it and I would rather it went to British Farmers then some scum sucking chav family who milk the system for all its worth.