
Okay i failed the test which is a pain as it brings some extra costs (retest). But what can i tell others well these things are not hard to drive yes they are big but you soon are able to deal with the size you all so start to understand where to place them on tight corners e.t.c.
The reason i failed was partly my fault and may be i should of been more cautious but i could be marked down for hesitation you know it is best to keep it moving if you can so i,m coming to a round about it is only a small one i,ve slowed down and there is a nothing coming so foot down off we go then from know where a little white peugeot flies onto to the round about at speed, i have to hit the brakes no choice marked down as a serious test failed only 2 mins in to it and i know it is over and have to carry on for a hour :cry:
But you have to carry on so we do the next problem comes with a down hill start now before my test i would of said no way could i get this wrong but i did. How well i,m stopped done the mirrors seen two cars coming so let them pass indicator on look over shoulder and release clutch and away we go it is a long straight road 30mph speed limit it is all clear from on coming cars. But i then look in the mirror and see a rover 75 being driven well over the speed limit he is going to go past me i have no speed so carry on knowing it is safe and that the car has a clear passage so yet again a FAIL. That one really peed me off he was the one breaking the rules of the road when i looked he was not there and the only reason he over took me was down to his speed
The next one was similar to the first how ever i do feel i was more at fault for this one as i had clear view of the car he was on the round about i was waiting to go on to it he was following the car infront of him both indicating left to come down the road that im coming out of so i go for it and this ■■■■ carries on going round so on the brakes again FAIL.
So what have learned from this test ,number one i,m told that the fact that i only got five minors was excellent and would of been good enough to pass and be a instructor how ever i got three serious faults and yes some people may say i was at fault and maybe i was partly but i put it down to car drivers who where speeding and driving badly they cost me a pass even though i felt it was far from my best drive i had done on my training. So next time i may have to be more cautious and risk getting a minor fault also hope my test is not done at lunch break 11.30 to 12.45 where the ■■■■■ in there offices come out and speed around trying to get there stuff done. You can be very good on your test but it only takes a car driver to mess it all up for you so be aware they will be on the road when you are i met 3 ■■■■■ in a hour and 15 mins so good luck to you all and hopefully you wont be as unlucky as i was :cry:

You cannot fail if you did all you reasonably could so my only observation would be that you failed to see something that the examiner did and therefore took the incorrect action

Did your instructor attend the after test de-brief by the examiner and did the instructor explain it to you later??

You cannot fail if you did all you reasonably could so my only observation would be that you failed to see something that the examiner did and therefore took the incorrect action

Did your instructor attend the after test de-brief by the examiner and did the instructor explain it to you later??

did not have debrief as i told instructor what i had done wrong he said at least i knew. It was the worst drive all though my training can do better but will only have one more go and then have to find a way to do it again if i fail (money). You are properly right in what you say as quite often he would have the better view as he does not have my mirrors which can make a Hugh blind spot on roundabouts need to be more careful i did not have a choice but to stop i did not enter the roundabout on both occasions but he did make out that he had been lifted from his seat on breaking his reactions told me all i needed to know. It was a shame it was so early into the test as i was always up against it from there on car drivers can cause us all sorts of problems and i can see how difficult it can be driving a lorry becaues of them :cry:

Either nerves took over and fuddled your brain to some degree or you were not test ready in general - what did you instructor reckon?

Either nerves took over and fuddled your brain to some degree or you were not test ready in general - what did you instructor reckon?

To be fair the nerves may of played a small part as for my instructor he said very little from day dot so how am i meant to know what i should or should not be being told i dont have any one else to compare against. I look at the time i took it at 11.30 to 12.45 every pedestrian light seem to be on red and cars all seemed to be in a rush. On my training i seemed to be off doing my reversing in some quite area at these times was it a bad fail in your eyes only 5 minors and 3 serious i wont make them mistakes again and i know i can do much better :frowning:

I would image that Les mentioned whether you were test ready or not - seems odd if he did not

Not a BAD result but as you stated it could certainly be better in regards to anticipating what other road users are LIKELY to do which really comes under ‘general road driving’

Did you ever make the same type of errors on days 3 and 4 of training? - I am betting no …

If Les said little to you then I bet you were doing it correctly so there would be nothing to say - no point in yakking to a trainee and putting them off if they are doing it right!

I would image that Les mentioned whether you were test ready or not - seems odd if he did not

Not a BAD result but as you stated it could certainly be better in regards to anticipating what other road users are LIKELY to do which really comes under ‘general road driving’

Did you ever make the same type of errors on days 3 and 4 of training? - I am betting no …

If Les said little to you then I bet you were doing it correctly so there would be nothing to say - no point in yakking to a trainee and putting them off if they are doing it right!

yeah your right about les i took it that i was doing fine so no need for him to be yakking at me he felt if i got reverse right i would be okay and no issues on that and off i went. To be fair i must of been okay as we spoke a lot about lots of things you know life in general but not much on my driving he is a good trainer and i would not point any fingers his way i messed it up and i,m going back to les to do my retest just need to learn from how things can change so quickly when you dont have speed to save the day

Took me two goes at cat C and I found it much easier 2nd time. It is a different kind of thinking driving big stuff, as you say, car drivers can fly out at you from nowhere. A lot of it is just working out where this could happen and slowing down ready, which feels very counter intuitive at first.
All the best for your retest. Tim

Took me two goes at cat C and I found it much easier 2nd time. It is a different kind of thinking driving big stuff, as you say, car drivers can fly out at you from nowhere. A lot of it is just working out where this could happen and slowing down ready, which feels very counter intuitive at first.
All the best for your retest. Tim

Yeah cheers tim i want to call them all c**** but im guilty of doing what happened to me when in a car no one wants to be behind the lorry with l plates on do they the thing is i will learn from it :unamused:


Took me two goes at cat C and I found it much easier 2nd time. It is a different kind of thinking driving big stuff, as you say, car drivers can fly out at you from nowhere. A lot of it is just working out where this could happen and slowing down ready, which feels very counter intuitive at first.
All the best for your retest. Tim

Yeah cheers tim i want to call them all c**** but im guilty of doing what happened to me when in a car no one wants to be behind the lorry with l plates on do they the thing is i will learn from it :unamused:

You can try to expect the unexpected but even then it’s not enough.

5 minutes/3 miles from the end of my test I came up to a bus parked on the other side of the road. Traffic had stopped behind it and I slowed down to go past and as I got a quarter of the way through a moron decided she wasn’t waiting, pulled off and came through.
I am sure the examiner, like me, hunched his shoulders as we passed each other - we glanced at each other afterwards and he just said he was surprised we didn’t collect a mirror.
I had no idea if I had just failed. As it turned out he marked it as a minor.
If I’d have knocked it off I suppose it would have been curtains.
You cannot account for people like that.

Mr Skinnylegs:


Took me two goes at cat C and I found it much easier 2nd time. It is a different kind of thinking driving big stuff, as you say, car drivers can fly out at you from nowhere. A lot of it is just working out where this could happen and slowing down ready, which feels very counter intuitive at first.
All the best for your retest. Tim

Yeah cheers tim i want to call them all c**** but im guilty of doing what happened to me when in a car no one wants to be behind the lorry with l plates on do they the thing is i will learn from it :unamused:

You can try to expect the unexpected but even then it’s not enough.

5 minutes/3 miles from the end of my test I came up to a bus parked on the other side of the road. Traffic had stopped behind it and I slowed down to go past and as I got a quarter of the way through a moron decided she wasn’t waiting, pulled off and came through.
I am sure the examiner, like me, hunched his shoulders as we passed each other - we glanced at each other afterwards and he just said he was surprised we didn’t collect a mirror.
I had no idea if I had just failed. As it turned out he marked it as a minor.
If I’d have knocked it off I suppose it would have been curtains.
You cannot account for people like that.

Depends if he saw it. I remember the instructor that took me for my class 2 telling me about an incident on the one way system in Stone, Staffs.

Lad came back from his test, passed, certificate given etc.

Instructor approached examiner.

“How did he go on?”

“Fine, very good drive”

“No incidents at all?”

“No, why?”

“I’ve just had some bloke in a Mondeo reckons you’ve ripped the back end off his motor in Stone” (points at trailer damage)

“Oooh, didn’t think it was that close”