Failed my class 2

Hi all, had my class 2 test yesterday and failed. :cry: The examiner said at the end of the test that the drive itself was fine, but my problem was making progress. I wasnt getting up to the required speed quick enough. He also did me for being over cautious when entering roundabouts and emerging from junctions. Felt completly gutted. I’ve asked for a retest asap and fingers crossed, with a little work on those areas with my instructor, i’ll be sorted.So a lesson for those with thier tests coming up in the next few days, if its a 30mph limit and its clear, DO 30 and the same for other speed limits, he wants to see you take the vehicle to the required speed and, as long as its safe, drive at the speed for as long as that speed limit applies.Dont hold back. Dont get me wrong, i wasnt poodling around on my test at 20mph, i just didnt get up to speed quick enough. Second time lucky perhaps.

Sorry to hear that you didn’t achieve the required standard. Understanding what was actually wrong is key to getting it right next time.

Remember, the examiner is looking for ‘Good progression with speed and safety.’ Exactly as you said, in a 30 zone, if there’s no reason not to, then you should be doing 30mph.

Good luck for the retest.

Shame. What vehicle were you driving.

I took mine in a DAF CF with I think a 280 â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  diesel engine.

That shifted when it wasnt loaded (which as it was a trainign vehicle never was)

Good luck for next time. I knew someone who took 3 attempts at Class 2 and one at Class 1. Me I took 1 at Class 2 and 3 at Class 1.

Its just about on the day. If you did nothing else wrong be thankful. Putting your foot down is very easy to solve. Kerbing it is no.

At least you were not like the guy who failed his class 1when I passed mine. Perfect road drive, NO minors or serious. Trailer uncouple he tried to release the king pin retaining bar (well the safety catch) before applying the hand brake. Examiner pulls him backwards onto his arse when he realises what he is doing. Now I would be miffed at gettig such a simple thing wrong.

Chin up and well done! - a driver who can recognise their errors and put them right is likely to make a great driver :slight_smile:

Many thanks for the replies, I’ve just this minute had a call from my instructor and i have a retest on Thursday. Only this time its in Enfield rather than Purfleet ,were i had my last test :open_mouth: . The reason for this is apparently, the DSA are on strike/go slow, plus its a bank holiday, so theres a stuggle to get tests booked within a week or so. This isnt ideal, i have never been to Enfield in my life, let alone driven a lorry around there. After driving around the Purfleet area you get to know the landmarks etc. so i would have felt a bit more comfortable retaking it in Purfleet. I guess all i can do is go for it and give it my best shot…again. At the end of the day a road is a road, a roundabout is a roundabout, wether its in Purfleet or Enfield. Thanks again for your replies, i let you know how i get on.

T P:
Many thanks for the replies, I’ve just this minute had a call from my instructor and i have a retest on Thursday. Only this time its in Enfield rather than Purfleet ,were i had my last test :open_mouth: . The reason for this is apparently, the DSA are on strike/go slow, plus its a bank holiday, so theres a stuggle to get tests booked within a week or so. This isnt ideal, i have never been to Enfield in my life, let alone driven a lorry around there. After driving around the Purfleet area you get to know the landmarks etc. so i would have felt a bit more comfortable retaking it in Purfleet. I guess all i can do is go for it and give it my best shot…again. At the end of the day a road is a road, a roundabout is a roundabout, wether its in Purfleet or Enfield. Thanks again for your replies, i let you know how i get on.

Look at it this way - you dont need to know where you are going, the examiner does - he is the one giving you directions. All you have to do is look far enough ahead to form a driving plan(s) in your head to cope with the situation that is presented to you. Take each situation as it happens and do not dwell on the previous ones.
If nervous - take KALMS herbal tablets - no side effects.

Thanks Rog , thats the way i’m trying to think about it. Fingers crossed all will go well. Im not normally a nervous person, its just it would have been a slight advantage if i knew the area. Many thanks for your advice.

Sorry to hear you failed the class C, i read you taking a retest in an unfamilar area, Well if the area is near to you to drive to in the car you can download the test routes from the dsa website and have a drive round a few of them , I know it prob wont be the exact route but it helps to know what to expect on the first roundabout from the test center etc, I went to my local center the night before in my car and drove away from it about ten different ways lol and im a local lad but like the last post says , you not expected to know the way all the time but you are expected to be safe on any road especially roads new to you.
Good luck with the retest.