Failed my class 1 again today second time, it doesn’t half take it out of you an knock you down, cracked the reserve, uncouple/recouple Easy enough, leaving me to do the buisness on the road which I was happy with, finished test with 6 minors an 1 serious, which was getting caught on a box junction to go right, I had no gap to turn for oncoming traffic, so lights obvious change back to red, whilst I’m on the grid… Which then I take my chance an make my turn to clear the junction for the next lot of traffic to go the opposite way, this obviously wasn’t the right thing to do.
Not sure what I’ve got to do to pass, so frustrating, it’s just bad luck, just another 400 for a retest an days training.
My question to other drivers is what’s your view of this, and how many attempts did you have at doing this before you cracked it.
Thanks for taking time to read, an a reply would be greatly appreciated.
You have my sympathies. In the DVSA world the exit would be clear and you could pass through on the green. But the DVSA world is a happy, shiny, world where everyone rides around on unicorns and its a generally happy harminious place full of order, ties and tick boxes.
In the real world we all know some box junctions are just plain crap designed by committee of village idiots with poor light sequencing and yellow boxes added as a half arsed after thought. In a lorry you’d be waiting for the second coming of Christ before the exit was clear in these junctions. But that won’t help you.
Just have to revisit the rule book on box junctions and play doggedly by the rules during the test. If you’re still there the following Sunday that isn’t your fault if you’re doing it by the book. The test isn’t a time to get inventive. Don’t let it get you down. We’ve all been there
Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…
I would not even enter a yellow box unless it was clear to exit the other side on a test…That’s the rules… Real life might be very different when trying to get a load delivered.
My question to other drivers is what’s your view of this, and how many attempts did you have at doing this before you cracked it.
Zb happens i think (sorry to sound harsh) but It’s in the driving school and DVSAs interest for you to fail a few times. I passed mine 1st time & I believe that if I can do it then anybody else can!
Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…
+1 Learn to pass the test, that’s all you have to do.
Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…
I would not even enter a yellow box unless it was clear to exit the other side on a test…That’s the rules… Real life might be very different when trying to get a load delivered.
No those are not the rules, you can enter a yellow box if you’re turning right and only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic.
Sounds like the OP was unlucky.
It’s in the driving school and DVSAs interest for you to fail a few times
It’s in the driving schools long term interest for you to pass not fail.
Just nail my class 1 test… Had a good instructor who also took the time to show me the place where people get caught out on there test and what they did wrong…
I would not even enter a yellow box unless it was clear to exit the other side on a test…That’s the rules… Real life might be very different when trying to get a load delivered.
No those are not the rules, you can enter a yellow box if you’re turning right and only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic.
Sounds like the OP was unlucky.
That’s the general understanding of how a box junction works.Surely there’s nothing to lose by appealing if that’s the reason for failure.
mine was aborted 1 mile from the test centre on my 1st attempt as the fan belts snapped and it was overheating (so i done the right thing by the vehicle and stopped in a safe place).
my retest a week later was great and sailed it. to me it sounds like you were just unlucky with the box junction (it also used to happen a lot on my route at a certain roundabout where you had to split the lanes).
just smash the next one as it does seem like a box junction has cost youa pass.
I feel your pain ,I was failed twice too.The first time I did not drive well enough which I accept,but the second time the examiner was a lying zb.There was an article about box junctions in the Times a few months ago,there was a scamera taking lots of money from generally law abiding citizens.
The right turn was clear, but there was oncoming traffic?
You did nothing wrong, that’s how a box junction works…
And if the light changes but your past the line, that’s not an issue either, how can you stop at a line that’s 50’ behind you? You just crack on, even on a test, that’s not a fail.
I somehow passed my class 1 at the first attempt, after failing my class 2 twice. I know how gutting it is to fail (and how expensive it is if you’re putting yourself through as I did) but you’ve put too much in to give up. Keep going mate you will pass.
You entered a box junction to turn right?
The right turn was clear, but there was oncoming traffic?
You did nothing wrong, that’s how a box junction works…
And if the light changes but your past the line, that’s not an issue either, how can you stop at a line that’s 50’ behind you? You just crack on, even on a test, that’s not a fail.
I know this buddy it baffles me too, I finally had my change when obviously the lights went red so on coming traffic had to stop, an I had to get of the junction because he next set of lights an traffic are about to go. Can’t argue with the examiner but my trainer is report g it as a complaint.
I am curious - what stopped you starting to turn right the moment the last oncoming vehicle went by?
There was another HGV 7.5 tonne oncoming turning his right on the box junction an I needed his space to get my turn in an clear the lights behind. traffic was busy in the area (Bolton)
Got to accept I just wasn’t good enough yesterday I suppose.
I somehow passed my class 1 at the first attempt, after failing my class 2 twice. I know how gutting it is to fail (and how expensive it is if you’re putting yourself through as I did) but you’ve put too much in to give up. Keep going mate you will pass.
Tell me about it buddy, Its costing an arm an a leg. I’ll get it eventually, I mean failed that many times I’ll no longer be nervous during a test haha
I am curious - what stopped you starting to turn right the moment the last oncoming vehicle went by?
There was another HGV 7.5 tonne oncoming turning his right on the box junction an I needed his space to get my turn in an clear the lights behind. traffic was busy in the area (Bolton)
Got to accept I just wasn’t good enough yesterday I suppose.
GOT it ta - the C1 stopped you moving for a few seconds which in turn allowed the cross flow to start
I somehow passed my class 1 at the first attempt, after failing my class 2 twice. I know how gutting it is to fail (and how expensive it is if you’re putting yourself through as I did) but you’ve put too much in to give up. Keep going mate you will pass.
Tell me about it buddy, Its costing an arm an a leg. I’ll get it eventually, I mean failed that many times I’ll no longer be nervous during a test haha
Out of intererest are all the examiners ex army drill sergeants? I’m pretty sure every single one that I had was.
I somehow passed my class 1 at the first attempt, after failing my class 2 twice. I know how gutting it is to fail (and how expensive it is if you’re putting yourself through as I did) but you’ve put too much in to give up. Keep going mate you will pass.
Tell me about it buddy, Its costing an arm an a leg. I’ll get it eventually, I mean failed that many times I’ll no longer be nervous during a test haha
Out of intererest are all the examiners ex army drill sergeants? I’m pretty sure every single one that I had was.
surely the fail is a tad harsh? It seems it was ok to enter box as your exit was clear , so how can you be failed if someone comes along and stops your flow. It’s a random act and you were there first? I feel for you mate.