Failed class 2

Hi every1, just wanna share a bad news. Went out today for my test, all went well throughout and on our way back to the test center, as I enter the test center and heading to where I got told to park, my examiner decided to only then put pen to paper.

Marked down for observation (serious).

“Am sorry to tell you …” “do you want me to go over it”
Yes pls…
“Can u think of why?”

Yeah… at the roundabout that silver car which was rushing and beeped it’s horn…

“No… it is to do with observation " " anyway just stay in there don’t come out, your instructor will come and explain more about it”

Instructor came and said apparently you were not aware of that guy coming out of a lorry.

Really? I can’t just can’t stop laughing because it is FUNNY!

Just now waiting for a reply as to when is the next test slot available. If I get the same guy next time, my instructor said he will come with us too …

Sad but worried. Am more concerned and shocked :open_mouth:

Better luck next time, you’ll get there.

I’m a bit confused as to what’s funny though…

Good luck next time :wink:

Good luck next time :wink:

Guy coming out of a lorry■■? Where was the lorry in question?

Guy coming out of a lorry■■? Where was the lorry in question?

The lorry in question was parked in the test centre yard. We left it there and it was still in the same place it was. I was to drive and park anywhere ( keeping the lorry far on my left). The guy came out, every1 including me saw him and it was at the time am applying the Parking break. So don’t know what went wrong as he did not even come round to the driver’s door, but went straight to the office.

I think it is just 1 of them days when some1 is physically at work but mentally millions of miles away. It happened, it is history and now am looking forward to and ready for next time.

I feel for you there mate. Sounds like the examiner was being a twunt.

Better luck next time, you’ll get there.

I’m a bit confused as to what’s funny though…

Funny part of it is the serious (observation) mark down when there was none. If i check all round and it’s clear, and am stopping, parking… what else was I to do? I don’t think I missed something

double post

retest booked for next week. We’ll can’t wait for more fun!

I feel for you there mate. Sounds like the examiner was being a twunt.

Sounds like it.

Good luck for next time.

i feel your pain.

My instructor told me yesterday, 2 tests were canceled on rush hour. To much traffic. One examiner refused to even start the test, and stopped another examiner so he wont look bad. No money back either. In london to book a test u have to wait 3 maybe 4 weeks.

I hate them.

Definitely the end of a bell. or a dong…