
I have just made a group on face book,

i have made it a closed group, which means it can only be joined by invited people. we don’t every tom ■■■■ and harry on there do we? so if you want to join and advertise the profession and share news (as well as on here) then pm me and i will add you (if i can work out how to)

Be careful what you write on any facebook page. You have been warned.

Shelf-stacker Tom Stones was “shopped” to managers after posting that he had enjoyed “a good night”.

Mr Stones, who earns £6.20 an hour, called in sick for a 6pm-10pm shift saying he felt ill, but later said on Facebook: “Tom had a good night ■■■.”

The 22-year-old, who works at the Tesco store in Brockworth, Gloucester, has now been summoned to disciplinary hearing.

He told The Sun: “I think it’s a bit much — a step too far. I wasn’t out when I should have been working — I didn’t go out until 11pm. I phoned in sick but later started to feel better and went up town.”

A spokesman for Tesco denied using Facebook to spy on staff and said: “Someone pointed this out to the management.”

He is the latest employee to discover the perils of publishing personal information on the internet. Last month, Virgin Atlantic sacked 13 cabin crew members who used Facebook to criticise the airline’s safety standards and call passengers “chavs”.

A group of British Airways staff said their passengers were “smelly and annoying” on a Facebook page created by London Gatwick Ground Staff. They also described the airline’s Heathrow Terminal 5 as a disaster.

Last month an Australian call centre worker, Kyle Doyle, phoned in sick after a night out and treated himself to a day in bed. He was caught by his managers after updating his Facebook status to boast of his day off.

Wheelnut scurries off to delete some details about my boss :stuck_out_tongue: