I don’t know much about Facebook other than it can be worse than a episode of eastenders ,however iam thinking of getting it to view the old ERF pics ect ,what happens when you get friend requests from the folk you’d sooner not be assossiated with but actually you need to keep the peace with ,accept or decline ?
Neither. Just hide the notification. If you decline them then they can keep requesting you as a friend. Of you leave a request active then they can’t keep adding you. You can also block them so they won’t be able to see any of your posts/comments or you theirs.
You can always use a name that whoever won’t recognise as you.
It’s just like real life. You can either choose to be friends with somebody or not.
Harry Monk:
It’s just like real life. You can either choose to be friends with somebody or not.
A daily read of my daughters facebook is like an episode of Jeremy Kyle, some people post every detail of there daily lives on there, quite sad really
I opened an account just to see what it was all about & why so many people rave about it - when I realized what a load of drivel some people talk, I stopped using it.
There is still an account there, so can still access the stuff, but I get numerous emails telling me to log in to see that my Auntie has posted to say that the cat rolled over on the carpet - I just ignore them. I can find enough pointless posts on Trucknet without resorting to the likes of TwitFace, Each to his own I suppose !!
Harry Monk:
It’s just like real life. You can either choose to be friends with somebody or not.A daily read of my daughters facebook is like an episode of Jeremy Kyle, some people post every detail of there daily lives on there, quite sad really
…Seems it`s velvet claws are getting a purchase on you! STOP reading it every day, before it ■■■■■ your soul into oblivion.
Makes me laugh when people complain about Facebook/Twitter etc for the drivel on it, on Trucknet! Drivel is everywhere, you just need to know how to filter it out. Facebook and Twitter can be very useful if used the way you find best.
I went on FB a couple of years ago, got fed with hearing how poorly people felt and seeing umpteen photos of their kids etc so I closed it.
I reactivated it when I worked for Earthline as it was originally handy as drivers put route instructions on, had a laugh etc. Then it started to be a bitchfest, mainly because I didn’t “like” what one driver put a couple of drivers took offence. I closed the account again and haven’t bothered since.
Makes me laugh when people complain about Facebook/Twitter etc for the drivel on it, on Trucknet! Drivel is everywhere, you just need to know how to filter it out. Facebook and Twitter can be very useful if used the way you find best.
+1 . If you don’t hide user content/filter out rubbish you’ll soon be snowed under with “inspiring saying” photos, made up pointless heart string stories and more pictures of cruelty to donkeys than you can shake a stick at.
theres a couple of truck related bits on there which make interesting viewing when i,m bored
Does that Russell The Pukka Trucker still spoil all the lorry sites?
Does that Russell The Pukka Trucker still spoil all the lorry sites?
If I never see another picture of them ridiculous looking Doyle tippers as long as I live it will be too soon.
I know a wagon driver who posts every day on Facebook how ■■■■ his day is. Brightens up my days.
Does that Russell The Pukka Trucker still spoil all the lorry sites?If I never see another picture of them ridiculous looking Doyle tippers as long as I live it will be too soon.
Ol’Pukka does get upset when they’re mocked. The boss seems a nice bloke, I lent him my shovel one day. Camaraderie isn’t dead.
He spends thousands on lights and ■■■■ but ain’t got a shovel ffs that’s some tipper firm
He spends thousands on lights and [zb] but ain’t got a shovel ffs that’s some tipper firm
Makes me laugh that drivers will climb onto their cab roof to clean it, but wont get in the body and shovel out due to “health and safety.”