Eyesight test on d4 medical form

So I paid my gp the £150 for the medical to renew my license.

I went and got eyeglasses about a year ago, cause I found that after getting a big 4k telly, I was squinting to see the finer details in the picture. The optician said my prescription wasn’t strong enough to require me to notify the DVLA. I don’t think my eyesight has really changed since then.

Today I was able to read the same size letters on the test (one row up from the bottom) with my glasses on and off, however this is what was put on my form…

Has my gp just screwed me out of a job?

What makes you think that? 6/6 is normal vision. Smaller the second number the better it is. First number is the distance you can read something and the second number is what the distance someone with normal acuity would need to be to read the same thing.

So in the case of 6/5 with glasses it means you can read something at 6 metres that someone with normal vision would need to be 5 metres away to read so with glasses you can read things from further away than someone who doesn’t need them. In the case of 6/9 without glasses it means that for you to read something that someone with normal vision can read from 9 metres away you need to be 3 metres closer to it, 6 metres away.

Paying £150 for a medical is more concerning :open_mouth:

Paying £150 for a medical is more concerning :open_mouth:


I just Googled LGV drivers medical and pages of them appear all at around £50. That’s all I’ve ever paid for mine over the last three visits.

Your own G.P. would charge that sort of money. There are doctors who specialise in drivers medicals who charge about £50.00/. Its very much in and out in 15 minutes ,sound familiar? :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t a…

Drivers medicals thingy sponsor Trucknet once?

The answer to d) is a worry I think. Has he ticked the box correctly? ask.

If you ain’t sent that off go back to the doctor because section D is wrong,

I went for my medical and as soon as I walked in he said “You need glasses”.

I said “How can you tell?”

He said “Because this is the butcher’s, the doctor’s is next door”.

yorkshire terrier:
If you ain’t sent that off go back to the doctor because section D is wrong,

Definitely, more than +8 is milk bottle bottoms.
I used Costco for eye test , no charge and no hard sell on glasses. Check first though as might not do it in all of them.

That +8 box will definitely cause problems according to the DVLA web site. Don’t want to send that off without it being corrected (not sure if it’ll need a new form).

Would be nice if the dr’s actually got these things right as the one I used who specialised in them (permanent base not sponsor type) messed mine up first time.

gov.uk/guidance/visual-diso … ry-drivers

The one and only time (years ago) I got my medical done with my gp he messed the glasses bit up, to cut a long story short it took Swansea seven months to eventually issue me with a new licence. Do not send the form off unless you are 100% certain that it is all filled in correctly, you have been warned.
As for £150, AFAIK all gp’s are given minimum and maximum by Central government on what they can charge for vocational medicals and they nearly all charge the maximum they can

Is paying £50 to someone you don`t know, and most likely never going to see ever again, going to know your medical history,and put any examination results on your medical records. Very much doubt it,£150 divided by 5 = £30 a year divide by 52 = roughly 57p a week,not exactly breaking the bank,£150 only becomes expensive after you become 65+ when you need to renew every year

Is paying £50 to someone you don`t know, and most likely never going to see ever again, going to know your medical history,and put any examination results on your medical records. Very much doubt it,£150 divided by 5 = £30 a year divide by 52 = roughly 57p a week,not exactly breaking the bank,£150 only becomes expensive after you become 65+ when you need to renew every year

Spot on , my last medical was the cheap one , think £50 , are you diabetic , not sure , no then , I now wish Id paid the money and gone to my doctors & paid the £150 as diabetis + other things I have could well have been picked up 2/3 yrs ago so not ended up at the stage they are now

I’ll stick with the £50 a pop like most people do

Well, do your glasses have a corrective power of more than 8 or not? Did you take your latest eye test prescription to the doctor and show him/her it? If the doctor has put incorrect information down, go back and insist it is corrected before sending the form off.

I would hope the DVLA would pick up on the discrepancy between reasonably good uncorrected vision and the need for such a high power prescription.

I done my medical a year back and couldn’t read the middle or bottom line of the eye chart at all, ever with the opportunity to cheat as he was looking at the chart and not at me.
He sent me off to get some distance glasses, and then come back to do the eye test again, this time I read it all no problem.
Its now noted on my licence that if driving the truck I need to wear my corrective glasses, so its not going to put you out of work at all.

Paying £150 for a medical is more concerning :open_mouth:

+1 You can get your HGV medical from an NHS GP for £45 if you’re in the North East