Eyeballed Herr Coffee

Coffee, you overtook me on the E40 just after the Bruxelles ring about 0345 Thursday morning. Didn’t realize it was you until i saw the Allport trailer, with it’s missing indicator lense. :smiley: :smiley:

Don’t mention the missing lens, I think i got away with it. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: At least you couldn’t see the wiring held onto the bulb holder by gaffer tape. :wink: :blush: :blush: :blush: :smiley:

Were you heading for Calais? I had about an hours wait for the ferry so I’m surprised we didn’t see each other in the port.

At least you couldn’t see the wiring held onto the bulb holder by gaffer tape

You didn’t have a wee ahem nudge did you? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I think you got away with blinding everyone you overtook :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I was heading for Calais unfortunatley due to having someone waiting for the trailer i was asked to use the pipe :confused: :confused: Not sure if that’s a bad thing at the moment though due to P&O’s slipping standards :cry: :cry:

Will keep an eye out this week as should be doing the same run mid-week and there is a good chance be running for the pipe around the same time :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll even fork out for the coffee if you sign my book :smiley: :smiley:

Hows the new job going Linux■■? :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:


At least you couldn’t see the wiring held onto the bulb holder by gaffer tape

You didn’t have a wee ahem nudge did you? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Due to the tail-lifts on the trailers there are no rubber bumpers/stops and you have to judge it carefully when backing onto a loading ramp, due to the crap lights sticking out beyond the trailer. Backing on a ramp for my first drop near Paris, I didn’t see a bit of metal sticking out of their ramp, I heard it though when the broken perspex hit the tarmac. :blush: :blush: :blush:

I also broke the bulb holder, hence the rewiring with gaffer tape. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:



At least you couldn’t see the wiring held onto the bulb holder by gaffer tape

You didn’t have a wee ahem nudge did you? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Due to the tail-lifts on the trailers there are no rubber bumpers/stops and you have to judge it carefully when backing onto a loading ramp, due to the crap lights sticking out beyond the trailer. Backing on a ramp for my first drop near Paris, I didn’t see a bit of metal sticking out of their ramp, I heard it though when the broken perspex hit the tarmac. :blush: :blush: :blush:

I also broke the bulb holder, hence the rewiring with gaffer tape. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

There are driver’s and there are screw-driver’s … :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’ve never claimed to be a driver Rob. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: The term driver implies some degree of skill and I would never make outlandish claims like that. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

Hows the new job going Linux■■? :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

Hi Mad, sorry for the delay in replying been away all week.

The new job, touching wood as i type, is throughly enjoyable.

I am left to get on and do the job i am paid to do :smiley: :smiley: . Occasionally i may have to open a curtain or even raise the roof but mainly just a case of opening the back doors and getting a brew on :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

We run 100% legal and the kit is all top notch, i currently have a 53 plate MP2 actros megaspace which is due to be replaced soon because it’s old :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I can only think of 2 things that would make the job perfect for me and they are :-

More use of the boats and less of the train, but there are reasons for this which i fully understand.

Not having to put up with the horrible Telligent gearbox, it really does spoil what is a superb truck. The cab has to be one of, if not the, best on the market. It is certainly the best in my somewhat limited experience.

Couple of pics for you from the last couple of weeks :

Long way to fall from a Megaspace ggggrrrrr :frowning: (Any spare lying around Dave? or do you think the warranty will cover it :smiley: :smiley: :wink: :wink: )

Have to reply on this now, is ok but prefer the DHG

The queues for fuel at the Shell garage in Lux

Good job it’s a box otherwise could be losing his load pornstar style

Had to get a pic of this

Priorities sorted :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Bit too hot for me, better get a brew on the go :smiley: :smiley: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I shall try in the near future to do a diary, but i am not promising anything… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

great pics!!! :smiley:

one thing i must know what is, in your pic - cooker set with kettle, notice odd pink liquid in bottle same shape as Heniz Ketchup plastic bottle ? it is for smelll nice in cab ?

mostly forigen lorries use that one,

Ben :sunglasses:

great pics!!! :smiley:

one thing i must know what is, in your pic - cooker set with kettle, notice odd pink liquid in bottle same shape as Heniz Ketchup plastic bottle ? it is for smelll nice in cab ?

mostly forigen lorries use that one,

Ben :sunglasses:

Cheers Ben, yes the pink bottle is an air freshner.

I always buy one when i pop into Lidl’s in Germany, they are about €1 i think which believe me with my feet is money well spent !!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

Glad the job is going well and that your enjoying it., always wondered what they are like to work for. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Great pics, and look forward to the diary, if you do one. :slight_smile:

Cheers :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

Just curious — why use the train rather than the boats, and what’s the prob with P&O?

nice pictures and the duvenbeck combination looked a good

Just curious — why use the train rather than the boats, and what’s the prob with P&O?

P&O standards have slipped, make that plummeted, in the last few months. The food is very poor now; the standard of cleanliness on the boats is poor. They now operate a system called lite night sailings when they close most of the facilities, this wouldn’t be so bad if was limited to the quiet sailings during the middle of the night, but it starts with the 19:50 sailing from Dover and the 09:30 from Calais is still a lite night sailing. That sailing can be very busy but they close things, including the toilets, the queues for the open gents was so busy the other day I just used the ladies :wink: :blush: :smiley:
Most of the crew have a couldn’t give a ■■■■ attitude but that is understandable, given the crap that comes their way from the office. Talking to the person booking me on the other day, who has been there for years, she was telling me that the company are doing everything possible to get them to leave, so avoiding having to pay them off.

My impression, and that of most of the other regular users I speak to, is that P&O want to run it into the ground so that when they hand it over to Norfolk Line they can tell the shareholders it wasn’t making money, thus pacifying them.