Eyeball Big Joe?

About 11:20 Wednesday morning, heading Westbound on the A14 at about Easton (passing Williams Transports Yard) with a single John Deere on the back ? Was it you ?

I was just joining the back of the queue into brampton hut… :cry:

About 11:20 Wednesday morning, heading Westbound on the A14 at about Easton (passing Williams Transports Yard) with a single John Deere on the back ? Was it you ?

I was just joining the back of the queue into brampton hut… :cry:

Yep, that was me, what a [zb]ing mess and a pain in the ■■■ those round-a-bout roadworks are, I’d been queing for an hour all the way from Cambridge Services to Spittals :imp: , then hopped up to Alconbury then back down the A1and straight back on to the 14 at Brampton :sunglasses: , I took a 25 at Brampton, then picked up another tractor 3 miles from J3, and couldn’t believe it when I pulled back onto the A14 behind the truck I’d been following from Camb Services to Spittals. It must have taken him nearly another hour to get from Spittals to Brampton.

Yeah the traffic around there is a nightmare. I have queued from Easton/Ellington 4 nights this week to get onto brampton hut roundabout. Not a great way to spend an evening !!

I have queued from Easton/Ellington 4 nights this week

Blimey it was bad then.