Explain please

Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

Read one of the other 10,000 threads on it if you want answers.

Knuckle dragger. Plenty of them around. Don’t let it worry you.

He is an idiot, nothing to discus. Like you I don’t understand the mentality of some. No doubt he will be moaning about no respect for lorry drivers and how all lorry parks smell of ■■■■!

Whilst he’s away at the services a quick dab of turntable grease under his door handle will do the trick. It’ll not cure his filthy urinary habits, but it’ll make you feel a whole lot more mellow! :wink:

He’s just a dog marking his territory before moving on. That’s what dogs do. He’s a rabid dog.

Maybe he has a bladder problem, or crohn’s or something and realised when he climbed out that he couldn’t hold it in and wouldn’t make it to the services, it is quite a walk from the truck park and the petrol station has been upside down for ages due to refurbishment!

I get annoyed seeing kids going by the side of the road being dangled by their parents in full view. I know they can’t hold it but geez. It just annoys me. I’m not a kid person. I know it shouldn’t annoy me but it does.

Maybe because the word has turned so pro kid you can’t whistle a tune these days without being interrupted or kicked off a seat by some posho and her sticky fingered little napoleons.

Illogical rant over.

What’s a C1+E?

What’s a C1+E?

Puddle jumper (7.5tonner) with a trailer grossing over 750kgs

Maybe he has a bladder problem, or crohn’s or something and realised when he climbed out that he couldn’t hold it in and wouldn’t make it to the services, it is quite a walk from the truck park and the petrol station has been upside down for ages due to refurbishment!



What’s a C1+E?

Puddle jumper (7.5tonner) with a trailer grossing over 750kgs


Read one of the other 10,000 threads on it if you want answers.

you mean 10,001 threads now were all reading this pish… :unamused:

I had a unplanned night out once in SHB volvo Fl6 4by4 .

Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

Im more interested in why you thought this thread worthy, men ■■■■ up wheels - I do it regular so does me boyfriend.
How long did you stare at his ■■■■ for, does mentioning his company help you in someway, do you tell tales a lot, am I just trollin.
Being a hippy surely you have seen / done worse.

These questions and more will surely get answered by the 8th page.

A few years ago I used to work with a young fella who only had one kidney and that was on its way out. When he needed to pee he had to go pretty much there and then…we often had to pull over for him to jump out and take a leak immediately. This included at services, he just couldn’t make it to the bogs. He used to carry a card on him given by the NHS that stated he had failed kidneys and he needed to pee wherever and whenever. This was used twice to my knowledge with the police asking him why he is urinating in public.
Our job at the time involved collecting soil samples from fields in the middle of knowhere and I remember we had to always have a ordnance survey map on us in case he went down as an air ambulance would be sent to us whenever and wherever we were.
He also was waiting for a kidney donor and again he had to have a full battery on mobile phone ready for the call to say his new kidney was ready. Again a helicopter was to be sent to us to collect him and fly straight to hospital.
So not ALL wheel washers are knuckle draggers.

Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

So what’s wrong with that??

Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

I am not defending the bloke here but when you get up for a pee on a night out on the services or truckstop what do you do ?

Punchy Dan:

Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

I am not defending the bloke here but when you get up for a pee on a night out on the services or truckstop what do you do ?

■■■■ in a bottle then chuck it out the window

Punchy Dan:

Having a 45 at Hopwood services, bloke pull up in a C1+E with SHB on the door. Gets out pi$$es up his wheel and then walks off toward the Services. Discuss.

I am not defending the bloke here but when you get up for a pee on a night out on the services or truckstop what do you do ?

kneel on my seat,and pish out of the window…is there any other way?..the bottle gets used in emergencies or when im kipping below deck on the boat. :open_mouth: