Expiring license category Entitlements



I’ve got C1+E with the 107 restriction, but full C entitlement until I’m 70, but C+E entitlement expiring this autumn…

That’s not right - did you mean full C1 until age 70 :question:

C and CE will expire at the same time

You’re quite correct on a second look…

C+E and C expire in autumn,
C1+E and C1 expire when I’m 70.

So everyone else’s is the same then?

Those with pre 1997 licences = yes

You actually have a C1 hidden behind C and a C1E hidden behind CE

That means you have 2 x C1s and 2 x C1Es but one with a 107 code

All the categories gained by passing the car test before 1997 have an expiry date the same as the car = age 70
From age 70 D4 rules apply to the C1 and C1E 107

Categories gained by passing extra DSA tests ate subject to the D4 periodic medical rules

On your D1E what restrictions do use have on them?
I have 101 and 119.

Eat My BB:
On your D1E what restrictions do use have on them?
I have 101 and 119.

All pre 1997 will have those

Im pre 1997 and my restrictions are that I cant go to the shops without my Mum.


Eat My BB:
On your D1E what restrictions do use have on them?
I have 101 and 119.

All pre 1997 will have those

Even the 119 code.

I’m 65 and received my info two weeks ago - I need a medical every 12 months to keep my HGV entitlement.

I’m 65 and received my info two weeks ago - I need a medical every 12 months to keep my HGV entitlement.

Only worry when you get a letter saying that YOU are revoked with a recommendation for your nearest funeral parlour !!! :laughing:

So - How do you know if your photo is uptodate?
If the “expiry” is to do with a medical being required, then at what point does the photo get updated seperately?

Is there anything wrong with the suggestions in the other thread that "jumping the gun, and renewing the entitlement a few months early for “photo update” reasons might well get me a new 5 year entitlement without having to cough up over a ton out of my own pocket, being agency and all that…? :confused:

So - How do you know if your photo is uptodate?
If the “expiry” is to do with a medical being required, then at what point does the photo get updated seperately?

Is there anything wrong with the suggestions in the other thread that "jumping the gun, and renewing the entitlement a few months early for “photo update” reasons might well get me a new 5 year entitlement without having to cough up over a ton out of my own pocket, being agency and all that…? :confused:

If no licence issued since late 2012 and D4 medical time within the next few weeks months or years then changing the photo will give 5 years for the LGV - FROM THE DATE THE LICENCE IS ISSUED - not the current D4 expiry date

so you choose when is the best time for you

Front of driving licence 4b gives the current photo expiry date BUT will also be the same as the LGV expiry in many cases - do not worry the photo will be valid for 10 years from when it was last changed

I’ve got a photo expiry of early september, and a C+E and C expiry later that same month.
The DVLA website reckons it’ll send out forms 56 days beforehand.
Am I understanding correctly that if I jump the gun, and renew the licence for the photo in say, August, then I’ll be re-issued with a new card with C+E entitlement dated another five years from the date of August 2015? - Or will they say it’s dated from 2010 still, and I’ll still have to cough up for a D4 come late september to get my entitlements re-instated? :confused:

I wonder if the reason the two expiry dates are close, but not matching - is because when I first passed, I asked for the licence to “start” about two weeks later, since I was going on holiday right after the test for a fortnight, and therefore wouldn’t be using the licence straight away as it were… :blush:

I’ve got a photo expiry of early september, and a C+E and C expiry later that same month.
The DVLA website reckons it’ll send out forms 56 days beforehand.
Am I understanding correctly that if I jump the gun, and renew the licence for the photo in say, August, then I’ll be re-issued with a new card with C+E entitlement dated another five years from the date of August 2015? - Or will they say it’s dated from 2010 still, and I’ll still have to cough up for a D4 come late september to get my entitlements re-instated? :confused:

I wonder if the reason the two expiry dates are close, but not matching - is because when I first passed, I asked for the licence to “start” about two weeks later, since I was going on holiday right after the test for a fortnight, and therefore wouldn’t be using the licence straight away as it were… :blush:

you will get 5 years from August 2015

August it is then. My thanks. :slight_smile: