Expensive day out

Friday night on my way home, I hit a ratchet strap. Having changed my trousers, I checked the front tyre on the bike (the one that hit it) and for safety’s sake, the back. The front will need a new one, but the back’s ok. Can’t spot anything.

Sat AM I ring a local dealer. Any chance of a new front? Yep, no probs - got them in stock, bring it in when you’ve recovered (knows me to well :laughing:).

I drop it in and get a 'phone call whilst I’m walking round town.

“Do you want a front or a rear?”

“A front, why?”

“Their’s a nail through the sidewall of the rear. I’ll show it you when you get back if you like. If you want the new one on, let me know when you’ve had a look at it. When you get back.”

So their was. I agreed with him, that if their was a bit more tread on the tyre, then the back would have been ok, but with only two, why take the risk :imp: . As it was, the nail was through the sidewall and the sludge (puncture sealent) had done it’s job Expensive old weekend :unamused:. If I pick up a nail in the near future, I won’t be impressed, needless to say, I’ve swept the place where I park the bike very well.

I got a new front and rear Bridgestone for the MOT two month ago (£180). Got ‘Nerged’ ( a nail for those who don’t read ‘BIKE’ magazine) after 39 miles. Luckily it was repairable. 200 miles later, on the way back from Helmsley same again, nail in the rear. This time not repairable :cry: £94 for a new rear. It’s becoming an expensive toy this year with the new chain, sprockets and brake pads I put on at easter.

And there was me moaning at having to pay £126 for 3 new tyres on my car!!!.

One of the lads at work has got a motorbike and he keeps trying to get me on the back but as i enjoy life too much its not going to happen, but he was telling me his back tyre had set him back about £300 just for one tyre!!!.

It seems like a very expensive hobby to me.

Jusr before i got rid of my bike i took it in for an mot. Was a bit unsure about the back tyre and if it would pass or not so i said if it needs one for the test will you bang us one on :cry:

Got a call later that day to go get the bike as it was ready. Went upstairs to pay the bill and she said thats £17.50 (cant remember exact amount) so i thought oh right must not have needed a tyre. :stuck_out_tongue:

Goes down to get bike and they wheel it round first thing i notice is this shiny new black bit of rubber on the back end!!! youve never seen anyone get there helmet on and set off so quick… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Gets home and checks it out and theres a brand spanking new bidgestone sports tyre on it worth about £140 :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Strangley i never went back!!! :wink:

And there was me moaning at having to pay £126 for 3 new tyres on my car!!!.

One of the lads at work has got a motorbike and he keeps trying to get me on the back but as i enjoy life too much its not going to happen, but he was telling me his back tyre had set him back about £300 just for one tyre!!!.

It seems like a very expensive hobby to me.

You know what you can do and where you can put hobby :unamused::lol:.

My choice of transport :wink:. A bugger on a night out.

i’m with Liberace not a hobby it’s my choice of transport. Just done 2,436 miles around France with my nearest and dearest, wife not bike, well both actually. Planning on doing France, Italy, Austria and Germany in August. We’ve both got the touring bug :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: