I am in the process of working my notice period at my current employer and it’s got me thinking about my “exit interview” and what I want to say and suggest in it to hopefully make it a better place for my mates that work there and if I ever were to go back.
Now I know generally people go in and say “it’s ■■■■ here”, or “you expect too much for the day rate”, or “we get treated like ■■■■■ by x, y, z”.
I was thinking about taking a different approach to this interview and suggesting things that could make things better at the workplace without giving ongoing massive costs to the business like a straight pay rise would do as they employ circa 250 just at the site I’m at.
Would a “benefits package” be something that would twist your arm to stay in a job? Would you chase an extra £5 a day to go somewhere else when you’re current employer offers free “death in service” benefit, for people you leave behind. Is it ALL about what goes into the bank for you or is it the whole package?
My current employer doesn’t do anything for the staff other than offer a basic pension, they don’t arrange anything for the staff or their families, I was thinking of suggesting a “drivers room” with a pool table, tv, maybe a fruit machine/quiz machine, a shower block as we don’t have any showers at work and sometimes you can be out 1/2/3/4 nights but returning to swap trailers daily (or if you’re finishing at rush hour, you’d be better off having a shower at work then traveling home after traffic has died down meaning more time at home and less sat in traffic) negotiating discounted Alton Towers tickets, discounted gym membership, discounted servicing/tyres for peoples cars, discounted meals at certain restaurants, a “family day” arranged once a year for the staff and their children, a sports and social club that could arrange these sorts of things, with profits from the drivers room helping to subsidise events and a Christmas party (even if you have to pay to go), would you consider all these things when choosing to stay at an employer.
This is they type of thing that I am thinking of suggesting, do you think I am wasting my time?
If they have no shortage of applicants whatever you say will go in one ear and out the other, if they are short of bodies then its for one reason only, the money isn’t enough for what the job entails (or the lorries aint flash enough to compensate), and they obviously haven’t heard all the other leavers telling them so.
personally I think you are tbh,most employers would look at the cost to themselves and think no chance of that,also a lot of them don’t care about drivers all they are interested in is getting loads out,which is fair enough cos that is the nature of their business as you know,i worked for a company who never backed their employees,gave out disciplinaries for petty things,when I got my end of employment interview form I was totally honest in what I put in it and they were not very happy,just as well I did not need a reference for my next job
If they have no shortage of applicants whatever you say will go in one ear and out the other, if they are short of bodies then its for one reason only, the money isn’t enough for what the job entails (or the lorries aint flash enough to compensate), and they obviously haven’t heard all the other leavers telling them so.
Oh they have a shortage alright, around 30 people have left since December and there are at least 4 I know that are leaving in the next few weeks, we still having subbies pulling trailers for us all through January and in the run up to Christmas they were 60 drivers a day short.
If they have no shortage of applicants whatever you say will go in one ear and out the other, if they are short of bodies then its for one reason only, the money isn’t enough for what the job entails (or the lorries aint flash enough to compensate), and they obviously haven’t heard all the other leavers telling them so.
Oh they have a shortage alright, around 30 people have left since December and there are at least 4 I know that are leaving in the next few weeks, we still having subbies pulling trailers for us all through January and in the run up to Christmas they were 60 drivers a day short.
In that case tell them exactly what package you’re leaving for, including if applicable lack of odd bods of varying competence driving ‘‘your’’ motor every other day leaving it filthy and damaged, they can up their game and match it, or be increasingly short of drivers and having to use subbies…which their customers may or may not like.
Let’s put it this way. If they want to do an exit interview, then you say or suggest what you like. Whether they listen to you or not is another matter…
Is has been known for some of these exit interviews to end up with the driver not leaving after being offered more money with a disclosure agreement to sign not allowing you to tell anybody else.
As regards asking for things like pool tables, tv etc. What planet are you on? Your boss would say we’re a business not a social club!
Let’s put it this way. If they want to do an exit interview, then you say or suggest what you like. Whether they listen to you or not is another matter…
But really all they want to know is 2 things.
What made you want to leave?
What would make you want to stay?
Be polite, it’s not unheard for people to find the grass isn’t greener and ask to come back.
If they have no shortage of applicants whatever you say will go in one ear and out the other, if they are short of bodies then its for one reason only, the money isn’t enough for what the job entails (or the lorries aint flash enough to compensate), and they obviously haven’t heard all the other leavers telling them so.
Oh they have a shortage alright, around 30 people have left since December and there are at least 4 I know that are leaving in the next few weeks, we still having subbies pulling trailers for us all through January and in the run up to Christmas they were 60 drivers a day short.
In that case tell them exactly what package you’re leaving for, including if applicable lack of odd bods of varying competence driving ‘‘your’’ motor every other day leaving it filthy and damaged, they can up their game and match it, or be increasingly short of drivers and having to use subbies…which their customers may or may not like.
Hope you’ve improved yourself, if so well done.
Well lets just say I can afford to drop at least 25hrs a week and still take home the same money, plus there are all the benefits I’ve listed above - the “drivers room”
never heard of an exit interview, sounds like a complete waste of time to me.
It’s a good thing for the company, to get honest feedback as to why people are leaving, and if common problems are seen things can be changed. It cost a lot of money to recruit a new employee, so it’s better (in most cases )to hang on to the ones you have.
If they have no shortage of applicants whatever you say will go in one ear and out the other, if they are short of bodies then its for one reason only, the money isn’t enough for what the job entails (or the lorries aint flash enough to compensate), and they obviously haven’t heard all the other leavers telling them so.
Oh they have a shortage alright, around 30 people have left since December and there are at least 4 I know that are leaving in the next few weeks, we still having subbies pulling trailers for us all through January and in the run up to Christmas they were 60 drivers a day short.
In that case tell them exactly what package you’re leaving for, including if applicable lack of odd bods of varying competence driving ‘‘your’’ motor every other day leaving it filthy and damaged, they can up their game and match it, or be increasingly short of drivers and having to use subbies…which their customers may or may not like.
Hope you’ve improved yourself, if so well done.
Well lets just say I can afford to drop at least 25hrs a week and still take home the same money, plus there are all the benefits I’ve listed above - the “drivers room”
Good for you mate, that’s well worth jumping ship for, hope the new job goes well.
If enough good blokes leave they’ll eventually be forced into doing something about the terms and conditions, or do the other thing and increase the wrecker fleet…
My current employer doesn’t do anything for the staff other than offer a basic pension,
That’s better than many.
they don’t arrange anything for the staff or their families, I was thinking of suggesting a “drivers room” with a pool table, tv, maybe a fruit machine/quiz machine, a shower block as we don’t have any showers at work and sometimes you can be out 1/2/3/4 nights but returning to swap trailers daily (or if you’re finishing at rush hour, you’d be better off having a shower at work then traveling home after traffic has died down meaning more time at home and less sat in traffic) negotiating discounted Alton Towers tickets, discounted gym membership, discounted servicing/tyres for peoples cars, discounted meals at certain restaurants, a “family day” arranged once a year for the staff and their children, a sports and social club that could arrange these sorts of things, with profits from the drivers room helping to subsidise events and a Christmas party (even if you have to pay to go), would you consider all these things when choosing to stay at an employer.
This is they type of thing that I am thinking of suggesting, do you think I am wasting my time?
A lot of what you’re suggesting is really what a company social club does, which I think is pretty much a thing of the past, from the days when where you worked was part of your community.
Some companies paid for them, other you had to pay a subscription and maybe the company part a bit of money in as well. But the lead for a social club would come from the workforce, they would form the committee and people would give up their time to make it work. As with many things this gets left to one or two people whilst the rest expect everything done for them and then moan.
Things like showers aren’t a bad idea though, we have one at work and I use it when I get back late and stay in the cab and I can’t be asked to go to the B&B I stay at when I’m at the workshop.
NewLad if your new rates are going to be that good, then you would better serve the work mates you leave behind, by telling your current bosses that.
I’ve told my planner what rates I’m leaving for but haven’t told any management, tbh there is no chance that they will match the rates I’m leaving for but it’s all the other things that go with it, which my current employer offer none of!
With the hours we do, they’d have to increase the day rate by £60-80 a day just to compete and that isn’t going to happen!
My current employer doesn’t do anything for the staff other than offer a basic pension,
That’s better than many.
I thought it was a legal requirement for big employers to enroll employees into a pension scheme, ours is the bare legal minimum requirement, nothing special.
My current employer doesn’t do anything for the staff other than offer a basic pension,
That’s better than many.
I thought it was a legal requirement for big employers to enroll employees into a pension scheme, ours is the bare legal minimum requirement, nothing special.
yes I see what you mean, I thought you meant a company scheme.