Evening All !

Evening folks.
Just joined the site so thought i’d say hi.

Currently revising for theory, i started a year ago, but change of job seen me give it up, but this is something i’ve wanted to do for years, so am back to finish what i started.

I’m really looking to make a career out of this, so fingers crossed i can get somewhere.

Hope to speak to some of you soon.

Johnny. :slight_smile:

hello johnny all the best and keep us all here
up to date how its alll going also any questions
ask away as some one will pop up with a answer
for you,

Welcome Johnny, good luck with all the training. Keep us informed!!

Thanks guys.

About to dig into my theory CD-rom again and do some mock tests before i book up for my test.

Definately lots of questions coming this way soon i think ! :slight_smile:

Hi Johnny, welcome to TN :slight_smile:



Hi Johny.
Welcome to TN.
This a great place for info and advice.
They are a good lot here. :smiley:


The theroy test is much easier than you’d think. When I first looked at my book I thought ‘how the hell am I gonna remember all this!!■■’

I got 100% on the questions but a lower score on the hazzard perception - my problem is I clicked ‘too early’ (ie as soon as saw the hazzard).

Good luck with n keep the up-dates coming.

I agree with The Stonesman.

I took my theory test yesterday and got 35/35, although I think I was clicking too early on the hazard, and I got a zero on one of the clips for clicking too many times. However I still got 55/75, which is of course a pass.

Overall I found the theory bit to be very easy, although the hazard perception I found more awkward to master, even after practicing at home for many weeks.

Good luck with the studying.

Thanks for all the tips guys.
Much appreciated.
I had originally studied for my theory, and had a test date booked, but had to cancel as i was away on business.

Since then it was put on the backburner.

So time to get me finger out !