European Trucks - Stickers/Signs with letters on?

Hi all :smiley: On our firm (being Italian) and them coming into our yard, i was looking at the front of a new truck and it had on the front a sign (similar to the orange hazchem board) with a white background and a letter A on it.

Does anyone know what these mean? I think the Green round stickers with the letter L and G are something to do with noise/emissions?

Just curious… as i was then spotting other European motors with them on and thinking i just dont know what they are! :laughing:

Cheers all


A in Germany means Abfall which means waste. Normally a white A on a black background.

The only Italian ones I know are the black d and the black a on a green background for ATP transport

I think Simon made a sticky about the symbols somewhere, have a search for Larmschutz

Thanks wheel nut! Definatly wouldnt have known to search for that phrase lol!

found this from coffeeholic on this thread … schutz….

A white U on a green background is I believe an Austrian thing and it means both Low-Noise / Low Emission vehicle.

Not sure about the yellow or green A but a black A on a white square means the vehicle is a certified waste carrier, you see this one in Germany.

So im certified to carry waste in Germany it seems, well, true about the certified anyway! :laughing:

Thanks wheel nut! Definatly wouldnt have known to search for that phrase lol!

found this from coffeeholic on this thread … schutz….

A white U on a green background is I believe an Austrian thing and it means both Low-Noise / Low Emission vehicle.

Not sure about the yellow or green A but a black A on a white square means the vehicle is a certified waste carrier, you see this one in Germany.

So im certified to carry waste in Germany it seems, well, true about the certified anyway! :laughing:

oops. I got the colours wrong, white background and black letter.

and the horses mouth has this in German:

Das “G” steht für “geräuscharm” (§ 49 StVZO Abs. 3.), das “L” für “lärmarm”. Fahrzeuge mit letztgenanntem Schild unterliegen nicht dem Nachtfahrverbot für LKW in Österreich (22-6 Uhr). Da bei “lärmarmen” Fahrzeugen verschärfte Bedingungen herrschen, wird auch nur dieses Symbol anerkannt, das “L” dagegen nicht.

The black lowercase a,b,c & d on a green background denotes that you can run in Italy on a Sunday & during public holidays, it must also be accompanied by a permit, the white on green letters are all to do with Austrian noise & emission levels & the big A on white is for carrying waste in Germany as Wheelnut quite rightly said.

The signs you need to watch out for are now on the left side of number plates, if you see BG, CZ, PL, RO, SK then watch out, these vehicles will change lanes at will, enter roundabouts in the inside lane without stopping then drive around until their exit regardless of other traffic, they will cause massive delays throughout the road network by hitting cars when changing lanes, be very careful walking near one when he is out of his cab, the smell can take your breath away & the static from his shell suit will make your hair stand on end, they will also take all the parking spaces in service areas & the drivers will steal anything that isn’t nailed down, the ones with RO on the plates however have pliers & they will have the nails away too!