European metal recycling

Usual stuff - does anyone know terms, conditions and wages for a class 2 ro ro driver on EMR.
Thanks in advance…


Phone them/knock on door and ask :bulb:

The money is decent enough for RO/RO. Artics is the way forward on EMR. Kits old but looked out to.

Probably a stupid question :blush:
I know that the local (to me) Coopers metals became Emr.
Did they take over the whole shebang?
Think they had places @ Sheffield,Shoreham and Smethwick . . just noticed the “S” thing :neutral_face:

I know that being connected to the scrap metal industry is as desirable to car insurance companies as you putting your ■■■■■■■■ in a vice.

I know that being connected to the scrap metal industry is as desirable to car insurance companies as you putting your ■■■■■■■■ in a vice.

Not once has an insurance company asked what I carry, it’s hgv driver, road haulage, that’s it!
I’d say what your saying is ■■■■■■■■!

I know that being connected to the scrap metal industry is as desirable to car insurance companies as you putting your ■■■■■■■■ in a vice.

Why is that?

I know that being connected to the scrap metal industry is as desirable to car insurance companies as you putting your ■■■■■■■■ in a vice.

Perhaps if you’re an OD going for insurance they may ask you what you carry (ADR etc bein f a higher premium I assume) but how it would affect your personal insurance I ■■■■ if I know


I know that being connected to the scrap metal industry is as desirable to car insurance companies as you putting your ■■■■■■■■ in a vice.

Why is that?

Not sure but it’s one of their least desirables