While reading some of the excellent articles, by some of the drivers on European trips, it became apparent that the European countries have some different rules to us and also to other member countries. I know there is a driving ban in France on a Sunday but what about other different rules, I think, in Belgium you cannot overtake if it is raining!
Are there any publications that list these differences?
French motorway speed limit comes down in the rain.
Truck ban Switzerland 22.00 - 05.00 and majority of the weekend after I think its 14.00 (local).
Bans on HGV’s Saturdays on motorways whenever they feel like it in summer.
Oh theres loads of 'em.
Best way to find them all is via the RHA.
Problem with the Europeans is they make it all up as they go along!
Thanks Ianyng,
I have looked on the RHA website and couldn’t see any publication. There was some info in the news section. I will send them an email and see what they have to offer. Not a member though so will have to see what they say.
Thanks Ianyng,
I have looked on the RHA website and couldn’t see any publication. There was some info in the news section. I will send them an email and see what they have to offer. Not a member though so will have to see what they say.
Exactly their answer too, give us some of your hard earned cash so we can waste it on new offices, cars and jolly boys outings
Have a look at the IRU website, there are far too many differences to list, but most of them are well thought out and geared to the truck drivers