Hi I do not know whether anyone can help I have over 26 yrs experience, clean Class 1 made redundant ,hard working ,reliable, excellent references seeking work in Yorkshire area but will travel reasonable distance for the right job. Sorry no ADR ran out.
Thanks for reading , much appreciated
Birds at Birmingham.
Ralph Davies Cheltenham.Mostly UK work with some Euro work.
SK Haulage.Barry South Wales.
Brian Yeardley Wakefield.Lhd trucks on groupage.
EM Rogers.
Charles Russel ltd.
Sealane at Dover.Relocate for that one.
Heritage Dover.
Pulleyn Reading.
Turners various locations.
Continental Express.Double manning to Morrisons in Gibraltar.
Insight transport and logistics ltd.At Inkberrow.Spain and Gibraltar.
Gerry Jones.Wales.
TD Williams Bridgend Wales.
Breen Trans Ireland.
There’s another fella trying it on as well.
What do you mean trying it on
Arla foods ltd at Frome are a good firm to work for.Milk tankers to dairies and supermarket cage deliveries.
The agency for that is Bailey employment services ltd at Melksham.Ask for Geoff Long.They have an agency in Goole.
Or Skills Direct ltd in Frome.
Arla kit is new.
Massey Wilcox at Chilcompton were after a Lgv1 long distance driver.
And Framptons transport services ltd at Shepton are after Lgv 1&2 drivers.
TOBY -Thanks for your info, have tried all the usual ones, but either too far or you need ADR mine has ran out
I couldn’t careless what have done or haven’t done it makes no odds to me, its just seems you got all the help your going to get on your last thread 4 weeks ago which incidently is still on the first page off this forum!!!
So before you get on your high horse why don’t you stop spamming the forums … not just this on with the same thread.
It would help if you stop putting useless comments IDIOT I am looking for work and asking for help. I bet you are not a driver and just pretend and just troll websites
It would help if you stop putting useless comments IDIOT I am looking for work and asking for help. I bet you are not a driver and just pretend and just troll websites
That’s right you got me sussed. Btw you won’t get a job off here.
Thanks for all the messages supporting me on this troll Jessicas Dad saying get a life all I can say is I bet he annoys his neighbors as well.
This site is here to help drivers in anyway possible and we do not need people like him on here.!!! so go away little man in your pretend truck.
Also you will be pleased to know a large company has been in touch after reading this and I might say agreeing has offered me a position go to see them this afternoon.Thank you for all your help
Hi ,
If anyone is interested VAN OUTEN are looking for UK drivers to do Europe LHD though, they have been in touch
Thanks to Jessicas dad for being an idiot people are getting in touch from all over
I was speaking to a Waberer driver.He seemed content with his job and showed me all the photos off his camera phone of all the countries he had been to.Time off on a Spanish beach.Getting a massage from a Chinese immigrant.The lakes of Switzerland.Portugal.Italy.Austria.Scandinavia.
They have no verbal contact with the traffic planner.All done on a computer in the cab.
His girlfriend was a stunner.He goes home on Dec 22nd to Jan 6th.Is it worth a flight to Budapest.Get the keys.Off you go.
Thanks for all the messages supporting me on this troll Jessicas Dad saying get a life all I can say is I bet he annoys his neighbors as well.
This site is here to help drivers in anyway possible and we do not need people like him on here.!!! so go away little man in your pretend truck.
Also you will be pleased to know a large company has been in touch after reading this and I might say agreeing has offered me a position go to see them this afternoon.Thank you for all your help
Liar, so loads of companies have been in touch from this one thread on here with you giving nothing away about age experience etc…
Hmmmm fair enough at least we won’t have anymore of your begging for work thread’s.
Meanwhile im off to play on my playstation.
Ha ha ha ok then. Join the queue for those that want to MEET me, the end of it is a mile and half
that way.
goodbye idiot enjoy playing with your matchbox cars and lets hope one day you never need help
TW Devanney in Leeds do euro work
Transam not local but you will be away a lot
Hi, Thanks for the message have tried TW Devanney not hiring at the moment and have just sent CV to Transam see if I hear anything back , thanks for your help
What was wrong with Van Outen?
I can vouch Jessicas Dad is a driver, and i wouldnt call him a troll (over 10,00 posts!)