Euro work picking up?

I’ve noticed a couple of members on here saying that they thought that there were a few more British wagons about on foreign roads lately, so have any of you Euro boys seen more British wagons about over the water of late ?

I haven’t noticed any more than usual.

There should be. With the strength of the euro and the weakness of the pound, uk hauliers should be a good bit more competetive.

yes, like i said on the thread about austria, I’ve seen more uk reg trucks coming into spain of late and after speaking to some of the regulars who do gib the work is picking up. the exchange rate helps and i think confidence is picking up after the recession

Just bear in mind as well, the price of oil today fell a full 10%, almost unheard off.

Ex Haulier:
Just bear in mind as well, the price of oil today fell a full 10%, almost unheard off.

just more profit for the oil companies then, we won’t see fuel go back down :imp: :imp:

Has the job rely picked up since the resesion started as we are sill in a reseson right
I think the OP question was more to do with wether more UK compnies are taking on the euro job as oposed to the haulage job picking up as a whole

We are not in recession any longer. The economy is actually growing, all be it very slowly. Same thing in most of the rest of europe.

Ex Haulier:
We are not in recession any longer. The economy is actually growing, all be it very slowly. Same thing in most of the rest of europe.

If you belive that propaganda then your belive anything

Oh, that’s handy.As well as driving a truck your an economist as well.

No thats you dear

if the experts said it then it bound to be true

Where I live, near Vire, my missus has said she’s noticed a few UK hauliers going past the end of our lane, on the Paris/Granville road heading towards Vire, Gregory’s (pulling tankers), Nolans, and a few O/D’s,
But I must admit haven’t noticed any more than the norm on the Ouistreham/Portsmouth ferry.