My mate from Goole says if you are after euro work on the car transporters then Immingham is your best bet as there are loads of companies working out of there
One he mentioned was called igloo
So I googled it and found something of one of those web site that list all the face jobs for the job centre use to make out the ressesion dose not exist and it all my fault kind of thing
Well I found there web site and under the contact us icon
it says upload your whoope do CV
So this site must be an agency that don’t want to be contacted coz they are advertising fake job on behalf of the job centre
Well he told me they where loads of companies at Immingham docks but I have not been able to find one!
Boss & Driver:
Well he told me they where loads of companies at Immingham docks but I have not been able to find one!
Probably a good thing.
hows your supermarket troly doing pushing the eyes to the left and your dots to the right thing around with you all day
I hope you did not brake a swet
well you would not cut a mustard on a real mans car transporters job
Dam wish I could get my firefox working so I can log in as my other self
Boss & Driver:
Well he told me they where loads of companies at Immingham docks but I have not been able to find one!
Probably a good thing.
hows your supermarket troly doing pushing the eyes to the left and your dots to the right thing around with you all day
I hope you did not brake a swet
well you would not cut a mustard on a real mans car transporters job
Not too many transporter jockeys wearing their Y fronts outside their tights when i did the job, but loads of 'em wear shorts all year round, kinda weird seeing lads traipsing through the slush and snow in bloody shorts, Portbury lads especially, bonkers…
I thought Igloo is what Eskimos shout when they win at bingo. Jesus I must stop reading Boss and Driver it’s rubbing off on me
Ok I had to read it twice for it to sink in but hahaha.
Dam wish I could get my firefox working so I can log in as my other self
You mean not just one but two of you,or is the other one just a voice in your head.
Come on Boss and driver give us another forum so we can admire your vivid imagination should not encourage you but you are amusing ,as we used to say in the sixties. Way out man
Come on Boss and driver give us another forum so we can admire your vivid imagination should not encourage you but you are amusing ,as we used to say in the sixties. Way out man