There is an article in today’s Sunday Telegraph by Daniel Hannan MEP that is well worth reading and if what he is predicting happens then we are in serious trouble.I will quote his second and third paragraphs of what is quite a lengthy article: -
Eurocrats no longer talk, even in private, about reversing Brexit. It’s not that they have suddenly started to respect the will of the people. Rather it’s that they have found what they see as even better option. What could be better than a humiliated Britain begging to reverse its decision? Why, a humiliated Britain that remains in the EU without votes or a veto.
The UK is inching toward an open-ended transition period that will leave almost everything as it is. Brussels will continue to run our agriculture, our fisheries, our overseas trade, our employment laws. We shall continue to pump our squillions across the Channel. Our laws will remain subject to Euro-judges. Only one significant thing will change: we shall lose our representation in the EU institutions, and with it, our ability to block harmful new laws.
And paragraph four:
Why is Britain, the world’s fifth economy and fourth military power contemplating a form of thraldom that none of the EU’s other neighbours - not Albania or Ukraine, never mind Norway - would dream of accepting. Is it sheer ineptness, or do some of our officials actively want it?
And a final comment from Hannan’s article;
Negotiators have handed away Britain’s bargaining chips. The EU’s response? Sneering dismissiveness.
It seems increasingly likely that just removing the anti Federalist UK MEP’s like Hannan and Batten etc from the EU parliament was either Cameron’s original plan.Or if not plan B if by some miracle he ‘lost’ the sham referendum.Which is why he made sure that not only was the referendum a non binding document to Leave the EU,but he also made sure that he had committed EU remainer puppets in place to take over the leadership of the Cons regardless.I’d guess that we can add Remainers turned supposed Brexiteers like Rjan to that agenda when it’s obvious that there’s no way that could possibly happen otherwise.It’s as though the Cons have only recently passed their Europhile Labour allies the word of the plan with Starmer acting accordingly.
While ironically it was probably the UK’s status when added to what they knew was increasing opposition within Europe to the Federal European agenda,which created the need for such a plot.
Which leaves the question were BoJo and Davis and Gove etc also in on the scam to make it look good to fool whatever of the Conservative Leave vote ?.With it being anyone’s guess where even those like Hannan really stand bearing in mind that anyone who is truly against the EU wouldn’t be expected to join the ideologically Federalist Cons.
While acceptance of EU rule with no representation within the EU parliament seems to be the definition of the EEA member state status of Norway at least which arguably makes the EEA an even more corrupt club than the EU.