Eu referendum whats your vote


gerbil sb152:
Perhaps when southern Ireland see how well we do after Brexit they will leave as well then that would solve the problem once and for all. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a good point. What was it exactly that they got wrong and had to vote on again to please their current EU masters?

The Lisbon treaty was the re vote.
They did however gain concessions from the EU.
I`m sure wikipedia could fill in the spaces

Stay Strong Brexiteers - Help Is at Hand:-

Cheer up Lads, Donald Trump has jumped in to feed Us

Or Put up with that Euro ■■■■■

Apparently We already do deals through WTO .
Nothing to fear .Chill down remainiacs :laughing:

Can’t say I like the look of anything on there if I’m being honest. I could probably manage to get that sprig of olive branch down without gagging, if in fact that’s what it is, and possibly one of those pasties at the far end of the table at a push, but that’s about it. As far as the rest of it’s concerned, the dog can have it. Go ahead, call me an uncouth, uncivilised pleb if you like, see if I care. I’ve dined at The Hollies I’ll have you know.

Or Put up with that Euro [zb]

You said it.

Meanwhile proper non EU food.

… Junkyard and company and I would not rule out any dirty dealings there as its almost the norm nowadays, … Corbin …and a general election will do nothing for the good of this country and I for one don’t want him in power… we should leave without a deal… is the best laid plans sometimes go ■■■■ up … they are supposed to represent us.
…, Buzzer.

Dirty dealings? Elections? Plans?

We have a “Representative Democracy”: we elect MPs who then debate and vote. We don’t normally have referendums.
The referendum in this case was to get Cameron into power with a split and squabbling Tory party. It was a plot that worked against the pollster’s predictions. Having won he had to call a referendum against his own pro EU opinions.
We are, where we are because of a party’s internal machinations.

The vote as others have said was a simple In/Out. And remembering the Leave campaigners saying we wouldn’t necessarily even be leaving the Customs Union it is Not true to say a No Deal is what was voted for.
The vote was to stay in a flawed system, or believe in a range of suffering promises of different possible deals.
Well, there is a deal offered, and we know what our representatives have said about it.

Since when has an election been undemocratic? Maybe you don’t want Corbin, but If the majority do…

“Best laid plans” ?
Haven’t seen any of those from ANY party for years, have we?[emoji5]

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Watching this train crash unfold on Politics Live last night was good viewing, and immediately after the vote result was announced Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary was put in front of the cameras as the appointed Government spokesman. (Why it wasn’t the Brexit minister is a mystery to me.) Anyway, Hancock was absolutely minced by the interviewer Andrew Neill. Hancock’s performance was beyond embarrassing it was excruciating; totally clueless as to what may or may not happen next, and he stood there with an imbecilic grin on his face. If his non-competence is typical of our senior ministers then we are in deep, deep pooh. Later Boris Johnson, who I personally think is full of ■■■■ and wind, was talking a load of rubbish as well. Headless chickens the lot of them. I can’t wait for tonight’s Politics Live programme.

We have a “Representative Democracy”: we elect MPs who then debate and vote. We don’t normally have referendums.
The referendum in this case was to get Cameron into power with a split and squabbling Tory party.

Voting the country out of existence constitutionally isn’t an option nor is MP’s delegating the sovereignty of parliament to a foreign power.While in typical form the EU Federalists have been happy to allow MP’s to do just that and settle any arguments by referendum twice.Up to the point when they lost when suddenly referendum isn’t good enough unless it goes in their favour and are quite happy for our so called ‘representative democracy’ to be handed over to a foreign EU mandate and commissar Politburo dictat as and when it suits them.

Just a little reminder of what the initial vote on Brexit was for those who cannot quite remember only two choices, either that or they never bothered to vote in the first place so would have not seen the voting slip below. No mention of a DEAL and certainly no mention of lets have a second go at a referendum.
TM has failed miserably losing by 230 votes a landmark in British government so we do NOT need an extension to article 50 either, MP’s on all sides have spoken and the result is pretty spectacular to say the least so lets just get on with the business of leaving the EU on March the 29th and be done with it.
No one wants a general election at the moment as this wont help anything so I think JC has shot himself in the foot there, I do believe TM will win a vote of no confidence tonight as the majority do not want a Labour government in control, there party is in as much disarray as the Conservatives and JC aint got a clue.
No word from Brussel’s as of yet which I think may come a bit later when tonight’s vote is done, on another note Germany is going into recession right now and several other member states are on the verge of being bankrupt even though some wont admit to that, they just lie about there true financial position but all will come out in the wash when the whole union goes ■■■■ up as I think it will within four years if not a lot sooner, just my take on things as they stand and as I voted OUT back in 2016 I have waited long enough but it just seems to go on and on and on like a tramps overcoat, lets hope for a no deal and out in March, Buzzer.

Just a little reminder of what the initial vote on Brexit was for those who cannot quite remember only two choices, either that or they never bothered to vote in the first place so would have not seen the voting slip below. No mention of a DEAL and certainly no mention of lets have a second go at a referendum.
TM has failed miserably losing by 230 votes a landmark in British government so we do NOT need an extension to article 50 either, MP’s on all sides have spoken and the result is pretty spectacular to say the least so lets just get on with the business of leaving the EU on March the 29th and be done with it.


Ironically the vote is actually all about a majority of remain MP’s hoping to defeat Brexit totally by voting down May’s BRINO deal nothing to do with ‘having spoken’ to leave the EU in March.

The country voted we voted out we dont count because far toi many MPs have their fingers in pies overseas so it simply wont happen but not all is lost because the EU is falling apart.Corruption at the top is nothing new but probably not on this scale.

Just got back from a trip down to Albacete, enjoying customless borders and changeless currency.

Did anything happen while I was away? :laughing: :laughing:

Just got back from a trip down to Albacete, enjoying customless borders and changeless currency.

Did anything happen while I was away? :laughing: :laughing:

Spardo my father always said to me that " sarcasm is the lowest form of wit " so don’t try and kid us there was a total news blackout every where you were and the radio packed up in your motor as what went on here last night was history in the making and for sure all Europe’s news feeds were either watching and listening or both, Buzzer

I see the culprit Cameron has crawled out from under his rock!

I have said MANY times, I voted (yes I can do that from here) remain but respect the EXIT vote majority.
Yes, the Brexiteers were very vociferous on the “New World” out of the EU BUT the Remainers were Sooo arrogantly confident, they didn’t put themselves out to counteract the Brexiteers claims or campaigning. Their complacency cost their campaign.

No one wants the poison chalice of being the PM (except Corbyn) so they’ll leave Mother Theresa in place until the next election. Mother Theresa will go down in history, ignominiously unfortunately for her but it leaves the Conservatives to move on with a clean sheet after an election, whether they win or not.

Corbyn STILL has not publicised what Labour would advocate IF they were in a position of negociation with the EU, just that he wants an election. How could you vote for someone who won’t disclose his cards (manifesto)? Correctly put by Mother Theresa last night, an election would not change the situation facing the UK on the 29th of March UNLESS the sitting Government went against the IN/OUT Referendum result.

Viva la revolucion!

IF you put a moustache on Rees Mogg…remind you on anyone?

Mother Theresa survives. Good.

IF there was a peoples vote then the question should be:
NO Deal or Deal, with conditions. We’ve voted out so the question can’t be the same.

Gazzer we have already had a peoples vote in 2016 or was that result of an imaginary numbers game thrown out from a computer, at the end of the day when that first vote was taken where were all these remainer’s that have surfaced now and seem to be better at making noise than the leavers as it did not go there way. At the time it was widely broadcast how important the vote was with no airy fairy words by David Cameron warning the countries people it was probably the most important vote they would make in there lives and the future of Blighty including a postal literature campaign to boot, the problem was not enough got of there backsides and bothered to vote even though it was quite a healthy turn out on the day, result was to leave and that’s what we should be doing anything else would be a betrayal of a democratic society.
Even now no one really knows what the eventual outcome will be but I have my suspicions it wont be what I and 17.4 million of us voted for, more likely an extension of article 50 and then probably another vote even though as it stands that we have no agreement with the EU and this should not happen as of the moment we are bound to leave by law on the 29th of March but will that happen.
Does not matter who you seem to speak with now all every one wants is a solution bearing in mind we seem to be totally absorbed in Brexit 24/7 when there must surely be other government business which is lacking attention right now.
JC will have to wait for his crack at the No10 slot and I think this is good, when you listen to him he is very indecisive and does not want to show his cards I am not sure even members of his party know what direction he wants to go but from past experience it will cost the country dear especially the ordinary working classes he says he supports, think they need a change of leader as well as the Conservatives.
All in all this has a feeling that is going to drag on for sometime yet I may be wrong so lets hope so, Buzzer


Just got back from a trip down to Albacete, enjoying customless borders and changeless currency.

Did anything happen while I was away? :laughing: :laughing:

Spardo my father always said to me that " sarcasm is the lowest form of wit " so don’t try and kid us there was a total news blackout every where you were and the radio packed up in your motor as what went on here last night was history in the making and for sure all Europe’s news feeds were either watching and listening or both, Buzzer

I don’t listen to the radio on the road, and in any case Spanish is not my strong suit. First I heard of the result was a brief recording of the numbers being read out, in English of course, while I was having a coffee and ■■■■■ at the last refuel before the Somport Tunnel.

Hardly a surprise, as was the result of this evening’s vote, forced by Corbyn. I don’t go much on all the Tory backslaps, including from Rees Mogg, about the house having confidence in the government. Not that at all, it is just that the majority don’t want Corbyn, handing the poison chalice to him could not possibly make anything better.

Amused me that Angla Rayner kept pushing the party line ‘we won’t talk to anyone unless TM states that there won’t be a ‘no deal’ Brexit’. It is not in her gift or anyone else’s, because it will happen automatically if one of 2 things don’t happen. A deal or no Brexit. Can’t see either at the moment. Can’t see Corbyn squeezing more out of the EU. A bit like a wagon careering down a steep hill (and a couple of Spanish artic tippers were making a good impression of that coming down from Somport right up my arse :open_mouth: ) out of cog with no brakes.

BTW, I pulled over and flashed them past :wink: :smiley:

Yes Buzzer, we have had a “Peoples vote” and that result should stand, for the sake of Democracy as a psychy around the world.

IF there was to be any kind of second vote it should be on the way forward AFTER exit. I wasn’t advocating a second thoughts chance of change that many politicians are.

As i said, Corbyn keeps his cards close to his chest as a poker player would. He lets his minions spout Labour Policy so that if it all goes wrong, he can say “I never said that, wasn’t my policy!”

Bit nippy down here Spardo, especially towards Teruel!

A rather neat summation of why the 2016 referendum resulted in a leave vote. Nothing about any supposedly dubious arguments, just the basics. … 8ee4df1f9d

Bit nippy down here Spardo, especially towards Teruel!

It was, I overnighted the 1st night at Carinena and in the morning it was -3. Then as I progressed past Teruel it gradually fell to -8 before climbing back up again northbound in the afternoon. Overnight again at Gurrea it was about zero but was even down to -8 between Huesca and Sabananingo(sp) again on the return leg yesterday morning. Never have I seen it below -3 here, and that’s rare. :smiley: