Ets. A. Denonville / Cummins Distributor Belgium S.A

This thread WAS intended to centralise and release various stories, pictures and experiences on this
well-known company Ets. Arthur Denonville of Brussels, but within 6 hours of presence I was strongly
‘forced’ to discontinue…by separate intercontinental email this thread was threathened, shame!

Unfortunately my intentions and information on this subject was subject of/to criticism.

Despite the high number of vistors to this thread, I prefer to discontinue, as other people have intentions and
time to put their energy in correcting and doubting the content. Sorry for all serious readers

I’ll have a pint of whatever you’ve been drinking please :laughing:

Publish and be damned. :slight_smile: :open_mouth: :unamused:

In the short time I have ‘been’ here I only notice negative reactions on what IS heritage regardless the country.

Being straigth…without the Americans (@Robert) there was hardly a mode of Europe nor Europeans, so bear
in mind it is not only Fuller/Eaton (previous also a truck-manufacturer) or ■■■■■■■ nor Bendix-Westinghouse
or even Lockheed, but also don’t forget that we all DON’t depend on our own attributions. Think GLOBAL now!

This thread WAS intended to centralise and release various stories, pictures and experiences on this
well-known company Ets. Arthur Denonville of Brussels, but within 6 hours of presence I was strongly
‘forced’ to discontinue…by separate intercontinental email this thread was threathened, shame!

Evening all, threatened…by who? for what reason? to what end? and what type of threat■■?

Ye Gods, I thought that these threads were to share and enjoy each others knowledge freely.

I spent long enough in Belgium to be able to write a fairly good anecdotal thread regarding Ets A Denonville, their activities in the market place, success, and less so, clients, debtors etc,…and a good few others in the Belgian “lorry business”.

And to this day I still do business in Belgium…though mainly of an agricultural nature! And still love it!..

Come on ERF-Continental, get writing, for there is an interesting tale to be told…

Im away to my Bollinger for its been a long day mowing for sileage…and around 16.30 my new mobile telephone rang…panic, when I looked at the dial I could not recognise the number…even less so the "oriental sounding "female voice!
"Sorry "…I shouted down the ether…“we are not buying”…

Imagine my embarresment tonight back at the farm when my good lady explained that our young cousins new Chinese wife had been trying to telephone me to arrange for us to all go over for Dinner!!! I thought that my “intercontinental” call had been to part me from my money…

ah well…old age I suppose.

Cheerio for now.

hey ERF, Continue the best steersman stand on the waterside, ignore them.
As on the road the drivers who made the most kilometers stand on Friday afternoon already at the truck pub.

Cheers Eric,

Not afraid of genuine criticism…however I prefer to avoid ‘influences’ on this story.

Imagine we then again mix up into discussions on mirror-brackets, indicators, roof-lights
and what was and what was not exhibitioned or printed or stated on any bumper.

We’ll leave the harvest on some of the ERF-threads and call it a day! Had a cricket-match.