Ethics/legality of lane straddling when approaching r'abouts

There’s been a change in the highway code.
You are clearly unaware of that change, or you would have done it properly without being asked to begin with.

But there has been no such change…

I’m sick of getting bullied onto curbs because some impatient [zb] decides to overtake at a tight roundabout

Not being funny but can I ask what you would have done if that happened when you were on your test? Sometimes in might be easier to hold back a bit
assess the situation on approach etc?

I agree split the lanes on approach if necessary is the correct thing to do but what gets me is when you get a lorry taking up both lanes unecessarily.
Some can’t seem to work out what space they actually need. They are in the minority but they do it at times.

Getting bullied I mean keeping my o/s front wheel on the line and the idiot overtaking cuts in too close to my bumper because his own turn is too tight and he’s going too fast as he’s trying to overtake before the roundabout exit, I’m not taking any chances so I turn a bit more to my left to make sure there’s more than 2 inches between my front and his side/rear resulting in my trailer wheels scrubbing or going onto the curb n/s



Glad you passed 2 weeks later. I am not the biggest fan of assesssments although I had to do them as part of my job in various circumstances.

Doing the job I did I had regular assessments and exams in which a higher standard was expected and for me I looked forward to it to prove I could do my job correctly.

i would just love someone after reading that blowing your own trumpet pish to ask…" that sounds really interesting,what job was that then,and who was it for ) …■■ then let them give you as much time as you need to google another answer or just flounce,deflect and ignore again.
theres no point in asking that question myself,as that would imply that i somehow give a toss. :confused:

You are incredible, this time instead of accusing me of being 10 other people you claim to be able to read my mind and what I am thinking. Well sorry to disappoint because once again you are wrong.

I took an interest in a thread and made a comment about another posters assessment and it was discussed amicably. END OF.

Now you are going on my ignore list.[/YouTube Music

Sorry robthedog but I ain’t looked or listened because I am aware of the tripe you post. You are going on the bad boy list as well.


I’m sick of getting bullied onto curbs because some impatient [zb] decides to overtake at a tight roundabout

Not being funny but can I ask what you would have done if that happened when you were on your test? Sometimes in might be easier to hold back a bit
assess the situation on approach etc?

I agree split the lanes on approach if necessary is the correct thing to do but what gets me is when you get a lorry taking up both lanes unecessarily.
Some can’t seem to work out what space they actually need. They are in the minority but they do it at times.

Getting bullied I mean keeping my o/s front wheel on the line and the idiot overtaking cuts in too close to my bumper because his own turn is too tight and he’s going too fast as he’s trying to overtake before the roundabout exit, I’m not taking any chances so I turn a bit more to my left to make sure there’s more than 2 inches between my front and his side/rear resulting in my trailer wheels scrubbing or going onto the curb n/s

I don’t fully understand how you can let a car bully you onto a kerb. Possibly on occasion when a car makes a sudden move but in reality that should be a rare occasion.Most car drivers are wary of big trucks when turning or they used to be. :wink:
Surely you can do something to stop these idiots forcing you on a kerb. As I say would you be silly enough to let that happen on a test?
There’s always a way to deal with these idiots rather than let them bully you.

A public statement that you’re putting someone on your “ignored” list is something of an oxymoron, as it really means the exact opposite.

A public statement that you’re putting someone on you The r “ignored” list is something of an oxymoron, as it really means the exact opposite.

Well you are addressing an oxygen breathing moron tbf so what do you expect? :smiley: I’m hopeful that I’ve made this one trick ponys list too as it hasn’t bit back for a while .

A public statement that you’re putting someone on your “ignored” list is something of an oxymoron, as it really means the exact opposite.

Sorry but not in my case. The two hounds are 100% on my ignore list guaranteed. Should have done it a long time ago.


There’s been a change in the highway code.
You are clearly unaware of that change, or you would have done it properly without being asked to begin with.

But there has been no such change…

…If my employer ex-colleagues say they are resisting employing me because of a highway code change that doesn’t exist rather than admitting that it is really because they don’t like me - then I get over it easier pretending that I still have some old mates in the world, rather than get upset on a fresh paranoia agenda.

Wasn’t there a major aspect to threads a few weeks back that basically said “For £19.48ph, if that firm says ■■■■ on your boots each time you go to the loo, and don’t take more than 50 seconds about it” - then that’s what you try to do to keep said firm happy…" :question:


A public statement that you’re putting someone on your “ignored” list is something of an oxymoron, as it really means the exact opposite.

Sorry but not in my case. The two hounds are 100% on my ignore list guaranteed. Should have done it a long time ago.

…it also means you don’t get to see any apology that might be forthcoming… :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:



I’m sick of getting bullied onto curbs because some impatient [zb] decides to overtake at a tight roundabout

Not being funny but can I ask what you would have done if that happened when you were on your test? Sometimes in might be easier to hold back a bit
assess the situation on approach etc?

I agree split the lanes on approach if necessary is the correct thing to do but what gets me is when you get a lorry taking up both lanes unecessarily.
Some can’t seem to work out what space they actually need. They are in the minority but they do it at times.

Getting bullied I mean keeping my o/s front wheel on the line and the idiot overtaking cuts in too close to my bumper because his own turn is too tight and he’s going too fast as he’s trying to overtake before the roundabout exit, I’m not taking any chances so I turn a bit more to my left to make sure there’s more than 2 inches between my front and his side/rear resulting in my trailer wheels scrubbing or going onto the curb n/s

I don’t fully understand how you can let a car bully you onto a kerb. Possibly on occasion when a car makes a sudden move but in reality that should be a rare occasion.Most car drivers are wary of big trucks when turning or they used to be. :wink:
Surely you can do something to stop these idiots forcing you on a kerb. As I say would you be silly enough to let that happen on a test?
There’s always a way to deal with these idiots rather than let them bully you.

Around here, surely you’d be “kerbed onto Bullys” though? :open_mouth: :question:

A public statement that you’re putting someone on your “ignored” list is something of an oxymoron, as it really means the exact opposite.

well its not the first time i believe it was the tramp login though i may be mistaken that was putting me on the ignore list,but you can bet your bottom dollar that i wont be put on the jake login ignore list as the wazzock cant help himself.

once again when someone calls him out to try ( even with the help of google) to backup some of this massive driving experience he has,then he has not a clue how to do so,and once again decides to defend my attacking and deflecting from the original question…
obviously he wont be able to read this and reply with me now confirmed as being on his ignore list…watch this space. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I thought the Guvnor here made it quite clear on the other thread that this troll hunting “pish” is to stop and yet here we go again, will you grow up ffs, honestly it’s like watching teenage girls arguing.

i merely commented re moasters dismissive post re jts that i had asked him a question relating to his special driving driving occupation that required as per quote.


Glad you passed 2 weeks later. I am not the biggest fan of assesssments although I had to do them as part of my job in various circumstances.

Doing the job I did I had regular assessments and exams in which a higher standard was expected and for me I looked forward to it to prove I could do my job correctly.

asking him to disclose what the job was,then got deflected with the usual flounce,which i commented on to moaster…
surely nothing wrong with that compared to the amount of locked threads apertaining to the aforementioned jts?
either way its a no biggy as we will never know… :slight_smile:

Oh come on, I didn’t come up the Thames on a banana boat mate, we both know that’s not the intention of your post. Whichever way you choose to voice your opinion on the subject it doesn’t change the underlying theme.

I’m trying to help you here, so do yourselves a favour, yes yourselves, plural as this applies to all members of the “troll hunter” squad, stop it, right now. Don’t try to defend yourselves as this isn’t a democracy and you will be wasting your time, we’ve heard it all before and your wishes haven’t been granted, why would you think that would change.

The guvnor warned you that continuing is going to put you another club, if this happens you’ve only yourselves to blame, I’ve tried to tell you that it will all end badly, but you don’t listen. I’ve been quite decent about it I think so by continuing you’re actually taking the ■■■■ out of me.

With that in mind I’m done with this now, I’m not going to try to keep the peace anymore, you’re on your own now.

Yes I do it have done for years ,cyclists have now been trained to do it .It is called" Taking command of the road" on some roundabouts that I use regular and know of problems I do not indicate the reason is it stops people who are impatient when trying to pass on a roundabout that is tight ,if you indicate they they take a chance to pass they know where your going and go for it .It was done to me years ago but not any more

I agree split the lanes on approach if necessary is the correct thing to do but what gets me is when you get a lorry taking up both lanes unecessarily.
Some can’t seem to work out what space they actually need. They are in the minority but they do it at times.

What’s the problem with holding up some impatient ■■■■ up in a car, or some inept so called driver in a truck for all of 30 secs, to prevent them ■■■■ ing you up in some way.
Maybe those guys you mention are new to the job and after being told to use every inch of space available, they are taking it literally until they get better with experience.
Or maybe he’s had continuous bad experience with said type idiots, so he’s covering every avenue, …Who knows, who cares, is it sooo important?, as I said ‘All of 30 seconds’ to try and avoid a balls up.
Like I said earlier if you consider everybody around you to be an idiot until they prove otherwise, you do not go far wrong.


I agree split the lanes on approach if necessary is the correct thing to do but what gets me is when you get a lorry taking up both lanes unecessarily.
Some can’t seem to work out what space they actually need. They are in the minority but they do it at times.

What’s the problem with holding up some impatient [zb] up in a car, or some inept so called driver in a truck for all of 30 secs, to prevent them [zb] ing you up in some way.
Maybe those guys you mention are new to the job and after being told to use every inch of space available, they are taking it literally until they get better with experience.
Or maybe he’s had continuous bad experience with said type idiots, so he’s covering every avenue, …Who knows, who cares, is it sooo important?, as I said ‘All of 30 seconds’ to try and avoid a balls up.
Like I said earlier if you consider everybody around you to be an idiot until they prove otherwise, you do not go far wrong.

There’s no real problem especially if it maybe a new driver with little confidence however sometimes it’s blatantly embarrassing when you are in your car and you see a truck blocking two lanes when there is no need. Surely you must have seen it when driving your car?
It’s a bit like when driving a truck and a car in front is frightened to go through a huge gap in between two cars when there is plenty of room. I guess some drivers have trouble understanding the size of their vehicle.

Your last sentence is spot on !

There’s no real problem especially if it maybe a new driver with little confidence however sometimes it’s blatantly embarrassing when you are in your car and you see a truck blocking two lanes when there is no need

It’s a very rare situation where I’d ever approach and enter a roundabout side by side with an artic at least even if it’s not straddling the lanes on approach.

Like only if it’s in lane 1 and I’m in lane 3 of a three lane roundabout or vice versa.Never in the case of a two lane approach and entry.

That applies whether I’m driving a car or a truck.You sound like a cyclist. :unamused:

Driving wide loads you have to over exaggerate the room needed and take over the roundabout. You are doing it to protect the nobs from themselves


I agree split the lanes on approach if necessary is the correct thing to do but what gets me is when you get a lorry taking up both lanes unecessarily.
Some can’t seem to work out what space they actually need. They are in the minority but they do it at times.

What’s the problem with holding up some impatient [zb] up in a car, or some inept so called driver in a truck for all of 30 secs, to prevent them [zb] ing you up in some way.
Maybe those guys you mention are new to the job and after being told to use every inch of space available, they are taking it literally until they get better with experience.
Or maybe he’s had continuous bad experience with said type idiots, so he’s covering every avenue, …Who knows, who cares, is it sooo important?, as I said ‘All of 30 seconds’ to try and avoid a balls up.
Like I said earlier if you consider everybody around you to be an idiot until they prove otherwise, you do not go far wrong.

This is spot on, also if the other vehicle tucks in behind you they will get through the roundabout quicker than they would if they were alongside you. Unfortunately the last part of the statement is too often the case.