Essex bridge strike

This ones a bit bigger than they used to give away on Bullseye, I wonder why it was in Chelmsford?

That’s going to be a mighty expensive mistake for that operator :astonished: How much is that boat worth? How much damage might it have caused to the bridge supports? And how busy is that rail line above?
20-odd years ago an operater was fined over ÂŁ1 million from closing the East Coast main line for seven hours

I don’t know the road at all, but are there any signs warning of restricted width?
How wide are the arches there? I can see nowt on Google Street View.

Can we assume the load is over 2.9m wide so should have been routed with notice given to Police?

IF the load is under 2.9m, and the road is unmarked, and less than 2.9m?..?

Bottom line is that for loads outside of the C&U regulations, the operator has to do their homework first, including getting a movement order for (as you’ve mentioned) loads over 2.9m wide

DVSA are more frequently targetting these kinds of operators and are quite regularly finding chancers who don’t properly know what they’re doing.

I’m wondering whether the road could be less than 2.9m wide?
And unsigned?

Certainly shouldn’t be so of course.

For my money, by the by, that is a Dutch trailer with a UK Es-cort vehicle.

Well spotted, Bred Last = wide load, in Netherlandish
You’re so continental Franglais

Looks like a proper es-cort van too, not just some untrained numpty in a 3.5 tonner with home-made stick on labels

All sorts of possible permutations.

Was the NL haulier given the route by the UK Es-cort Company?
Did the NL company choose the route and hire a van/driver only?
If a route was sent to the Police did they wrongly approve it?

I imagine a few lawyers will be making a few quid out of this one.

The Police statement made it sound low key, I guess from the video we can’t say for sure that there isn’t the narrowest of gaps left between boat and pillars, but if it had to be backed back out, that could have taken a little while.

I wonder was it actually “stuck” or went in a bit crooked, so after a bit jiggling did go through?

I think the police are/were only interested in the immediate problem of the road blockage, once that was sorted they would lose interest unless they thought they could charge someone.

I doubt the Network Rail bridge examiners are taking it lightly, nor the owner of that boat. I bet that’s the kind of item where the advert says “Price on application” so as not to scare people away

As noticed above, there is potentially a 1st lanugage difference between truck driver and â– â– â– â– â– â– .

I don’t know who calls the shots between the two as far as where you are heading?

In our lovely English, there are at least some scope for misundertanding.

Stanley : Luuk, remember we are only going to fit under one of the arches up here.

Luuk : Ja, Stan, is ok, I take the arch only that is right.

Stanley : Luuk, take the Right arch? You should use the one which is Left!

Luuk : Ok, I see there is a queue of cars ahead, I will use the arch that is left.

Stanley : Phew, for a moment I thought you were going over to the Right lane. Hey, you are!

Luuk : Is not a problem, I take only the Right route, as you tell me…

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Having worked with quite a few Dutch people in the past, I think the language problem will likely be the es-cort driver: all the Dutch I’ve known speak fluent English and are straight-talking to the point of being totally blunt, and they like things to be “just so” and avoid fudging things like the plague

From elsewhere online, it seems to be they stopped while lifting the trailer. If you look there is a step where the bridge gets a little wider

STGO firm perhaps added the new sign?

Can’t think that a random local would take the time to make the joke sign.