Essentials to take on a job?

Ok so hopefully I’ll be getting some work through an agency in a couple of weeks. But my question is what would you never leave home without?
I thought this might be quite handy for us newbies to make our first job abit more easier and enjoyable. I’ll get the checklist started…

Safety boots
Hi-vis vest
Sat nav

If your a day driver (not nights out etc):
Wet wipes
Blue roll
■■■■ nav
Hi viz
Digi tacho rolls
Small tool kit

3 Feathers Haulage

money and ya buties !


Must admit I end up with a backpack full of stuff and a box with lunch and maybe a flask and a coat and another bag…my little torch was a godsend today dropping a trailer in a pitch dark yard. I have my bag packed ready to go in case the agency ring and tell me to be somewhere in half an hour.

Just running through what I’ve got in my bag that’s not already mentioned:

Hella - cigarette lighter adaptor.
24v-12v convertor
Camera (cheapy digital from Tesco)
Box of tacho charts (got them from somewhere, just in case…)
Gorilla Wipes
Phone charger
Change of clothes (just in case)
Wash kit
First aid kit
A book to read


You should always be prepared for a night out whether you’re a day driver or not. :slight_smile:

Lol there’s some random stuff you guys take. I’ve ordered the Heynes truckers guide and will probably get a truckers atlas too. I saw a little cooler bag in home bargains which I think will be good to keep my buttied chilled :slight_smile:

I guess once you’ve done a couple of jobs u know what u need

If on days a hi viz jacket is essential especially in summer, lay it over your bag and it stops your butties from cooking.

hardhat goggles

Crystal ball, some sort of time machine, most important tho, a good positive attitude and a disarming smile for those “your’e late” moments. "Sorry mate, first time I’ve done this run :laughing:

My truckers guide arrived today. Filled with useful information, even a checklist of what to take :grimacing:

A magnet then u won’t need most of the above items just Samson,rizzlas,red bull,pro plus and cash for kfc…
I never leave home without fresh filth of the mrs I’ve filmed ova weekend on the old blackberry :smiley:

Bin the flask, tea tastes ■■■■ from one. Buy a small stove which will be smaller than a flask then you can use that to make a proper brew and heat other stuff up.

A good sense of humour !
Which reminds me I must get mine replaced as its broken (again)

A magnet then u won’t need most of the above items just Samson,rizzlas,red bull,pro plus and cash for kfc…
I never leave home without fresh filth of the mrs I’ve filmed ova weekend on the old blackberry :smiley:

Like it !! :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Hi nate187

I have only just started driving and have done a few agency runs including night and day trunk as well as a weekend tramping (well sort of) Just in case the real trampers think 3 days is too weeny.

I started with a canvas bag but then ran out of room when I did night work and days out so I ended up buying a small (ish) suitcase. It holds my maps, my food, my gloves, high vis and wooly hat as well as my sat nav and a tablet, note pad and pens, torch, tissues, tacho cards, ear plugs, multi tool, adaptor for charging almost everything, clipboard, truckers guide, spare underwear and teeshirts, washing gear and anything else I can think of at the time. I still have to have a bag with my pillow and sleeping bag in but that is light weight anyway.

I was told very early on to take all of this with me as I would be sorry if I got stuck somewhere and had to sleep in the cab without it.I am sure it makes some of the other drivers laugh when they se me turn up like I am off on holiday but at least I have what I need.

I am sure some of the others on here are able to add much more to the list that have been put up already.



Cheers for the detailed post trucklist