
Just spent the day in a 05 plate…I say that again…“05 PLATE”…ERF rigid :imp: :imp: :imp: …and i can’t work out how the ■■■■■■■ hell has ERF/MAN been able to get away with producing and selling such ancient crap…up to that reg…how they got away with it in the first place is a mystery…come to that matter…I reckon if you presented the folk of ancient times with that ■■■■…they’d burn you at the stake for taking the ■■■■…and burn you slowly… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
I’m talking about the type that you put your tacho in behind the speedo…with the wind up windows…same ugly ■■■■■■ cab design as from the 80’s…
Does anyone have to work in one of these daily :question: :question: :question: …Cos i feel so sorry for you…time you quit and go work at McDonalds…save yourself Brother/Sister
How much do these things sell :question: :question: :question: :question: …Can’t be more than 30quid…with full tank…Think even poundland would say no…
:imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Take it you mean an erf ecs old man f90 cab. I drive a 1999 v reg man 364 roll on roll off with this cab and love it.

You obviously been spoilt!

You aint a driver til you’ve driven a ERF EC11 with a pick n mix box.

Wind up windows? Luxury!

So you was impressed then i gather… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Thats the trouble with you young lads, I remember removing the passenger seat and putting it in the car and putting a wooden box in its place with my sleeping bag and wash gear in, in the days before sleeper cabs or night heaters and sleeping across the engine cover in an A series. You lads don’t know you are born nowadays.

I’m talking about the type that you put your tacho in behind the speedo…with the wind up windows…same ugly [zb] cab design as from the 80’s…

[ZB] me man, not WIND UP WINDOWS!!! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing:

if youre that upset by an erf…ffs,DONT ever get in an axor…youll die from anger! :unamused:

You obviously been spoilt!

You aint a driver til you’ve driven a ERF EC11 with a pick n mix box.

Wind up windows? Luxury!

woohoo now that was a motor and the pick n mix box was one of the best


I’m talking about the type that you put your tacho in behind the speedo…with the wind up windows…same ugly [zb] cab design as from the 80’s…

I gues you wouldn’t like to drive early model Daf XF’s then if you have to put the tacho behind the “speedo”. ( i take it you you mean the Tacho Head then)…

Really without trying to sound like and old git ( i am 39 you know) but if that is your major gripe you really have had a sheltered life haven’t you.

I drive a slightly older (01/02) ERF rigid with this cab… however I have auto windows :laughing:

At least you can open and close yer windows when an RDC takes yer keys :slight_smile:

if youre that upset by an erf…ffs,DONT ever get in an axor…youll die from anger! :unamused:

I love my Axor :smiley:

I love the ERF EC11 with the olympic cab with the twin splitter ‘box’ fitted…the drivetrains on these are virtually bulletproof and i have a real soft spot for the E series from the mid 80’s/early 90’s.

Stop blabbing on about how it was in 1902 or whenever…were in 2010 now and thats a fact…or if you want 2005…relevant to the ■■■■ in question…
I’ve been driving 56 plate Scania’s and Volvo’s for the past year (artics + rigids)…and the ERF is only a year older…but when you compare them…it’s like 1,000,000 years older…Reckon if you offered it to nethrandral man…he’d give you a severe beating with his club…and tell you…he’ll and his folks will walk to Gibraltar…
I’m sorry but a most truck makers have realised…that they can’t keep chucking out these nasty design cabs…cos nobody want to drive them anymore…and put up with the rubbish you lot had to…(you lot must have been mad…never catch me putting up with such rubbish…too many of you are now ■■■■■■)…The exception being MAN…mother of ERF

ARK - I’ve driven the CF version…Rubbish :imp:…and the same goes for the Axor…

Stop blabbing on about how it was in 1902 or whenever…were in 2010 now and thats a fact…or if you want 2005…relevant to the [zb] in question…
I’ve been driving 56 plate Scania’s and Volvo’s for the past year (artics + rigids)…and the ERF is only a year older…but when you compare them…it’s like 1,000,000 years older…Reckon if you offered it to nethrandral man…he’d give you a severe beating with his club…and tell you…he’ll and his folks will walk to Gibraltar…
I’m sorry but a most truck makers have realised…that they can’t keep chucking out these nasty design cabs…cos nobody want to drive them anymore…and put up with the rubbish you lot had to…(you lot must have been mad…never catch me putting up with such rubbish…too many of you are now [zb])…The exception being MAN…mother of ERF

ARK - I’ve driven the CF version…Rubbish :imp:…and the same goes for the Axor…

Your right, but they still get bought :wink:

Your making yourself sound stupid and like a spoilt brat now.
Tacho behind the speedo, you have to wind down the windows yourself and it looks ugly.
Jesus christ. :unamused:
Actually, it sounds like your rating yourself above the rest(the rest being everyone else who has this every day, have to wind windows themself, tacho behind speedo) and you SHOULD have better because you are better.

I acually prefer tacho head behind speedo rather than the dopy drawer thing that you need the ign on to open and close :confused:

I acually prefer tacho head behind speedo rather than the dopy drawer thing that you need the ign on to open and close :confused:

How many of those bloody draw type have you seen snapped off.
As for super trucker i wonder if he’s one of these hat on backwards types that think the summit of motoring excellence is a Saxo with a couple of grands worth of Halfords plastic crap and a big exhaust and a bigger stereo strapped to it.


I acually prefer tacho head behind speedo rather than the dopy drawer thing that you need the ign on to open and close :confused:

How many of those bloody draw type have you seen snapped off.
As for super trucker i wonder if he’s one of these hat on backwards types that think the summit of motoring excellence is a Saxo with a couple of grands worth of Halfords plastic crap and a big exhaust and a bigger stereo strapped to it.

it certainly beginning to sound like it :laughing: :laughing:


I acually prefer tacho head behind speedo rather than the dopy drawer thing that you need the ign on to open and close :confused:

How many of those bloody draw type have you seen snapped off.
As for super trucker i wonder if he’s one of these hat on backwards types

Has anyone welcomed Rick Yemm to the forums then :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

The exception being MAN…mother of ERF

Don’t remember this.