Erection problems

do tipper drivers check their hydraulic oil on a daily basis to prevent the possible failure of a ram becoming fully erect?

Txt speak and erection problems in the space of 30mins, are you trying to compete with random-toby789 ? :laughing:

Phil and Toby are distant cousins. Their posting style gives it away :wink:

You could get erection problems if the tanks are dry and empty and not properly maintained on a regular basis.

bald bloke:
You could get erection problems if the tanks are dry and empty and not properly maintained on a regular basis.

[zb] me. i’ll give her a shout. :laughing:

Don’t tipper drivers just jump in and blast off?.., anything loose will fall off anyway leaving shortages, top ups or tyre problems to get picked up at the 6 weekly inspe…sorry…annual MOT prep… :smiling_imp:

I’ve never checked my tank in 5 years, I still manage to get it all the way up on a regular basis.

drop a couple of ■■■■■■ pills in the tank it works a treat :wink:

it can have problems coming back down though :sunglasses: thats the only problem …

Ive heard if you tickle the tank slowly then rub some deep heat into the lower parts she will raise.