
Thought i would compile a list of basic equipment to buy for when starting out, please feel free to add anything you may have found useful.
Philips Truck Atlas
Spare Bulbs/Batteries/Fuses
phone charger
Satnav (optional)

Decent truck satnav
7M tape measure . Fir trailer heights
Spare clothes in case of soaking

The amount of things I’ve driven that don’t have a basic first aid kit and camera in… Both most useful when you need them.

The amount of things I’ve driven that don’t have a basic first aid kit and camera in… Both most useful when you need them.

Why would you need a camera ?


The amount of things I’ve driven that don’t have a basic first aid kit and camera in… Both most useful when you need them.

Why would you need a camera ?

Im presuming its in case you have an accident mate to take pics of damage,road layouts etc etc.or if not that reason pics of the scenery maybe :question: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Inevitably someone will plough into you or vice versa and most insurance companies want pictures. A couple of quids worth of disposable camera can save a lot of bother.
If you are on a contract picking up trailers from docks, they aren’t always well loaded etc. a picture tells a thousand words in my experience.

I should say that this is purely my understanding from years of driving 7.5tonners and I am not a class 1 driver before I get leapt on lol.

ah fair play good call

Dont forget your ipad, best bit of kit ive got in me truck !

Got one. But wifi only spose could always tether it to phone

Battery jump up cables.
Foam ear plugs for noisy lay bys.
Hand sterilser.
Cab air freshener in a spray can.
Cab polish.
Kit box or container for all the gubbins and what nots.