With the highest fares in Europe why so many over running engineering works and buses in operation.
Many train breakdowns and failures.Old trains and so on but expensive tickets.
Passengers standing at peak times.
Trains that do not run when a major event has finished such as sports events or concerts so you have to use a car.
The Japanese have bullet trains.
The Swiss run on time.
The French have the TGV.Train de grande vitese.
England has the donkey or wheel barrow, it is quicker.
My other half is away in Stoke this weekend. As I spend enough of my life driving, I thought I’d get the bus over to Gloucester on Saturday morning, then get the train to Stoke. Bloody £45 for a return ticket …
Yes,where did it all go so wrong?To think that we invented the railway and all that that entails.I mean the creation of agencies and bringing in Jonnie Foreigner to keep the rates down.
We let it all go.
Sold out the mines,oil,gas,electricity,farming and fisheries.
Have you noticed when there is a scandal or cover up there is a long winded enquiry and numerous reports to be made.
Plebgate is one example.
Some Lord will chair the meeting.
But nobody gets a good telling off or a life time ban from the golf club or the Quakers.More reports.Enquiry.Blah Blah.
What a fuss about High speed rail from London to the North.
The UK is twenty years behind the times.
The French took the land and paid later to build their Tgv.
The economic benefits of tourists and business to and from Northern to Southern France.
They have the Med ocean and ski resorts.The Uk has anti solar panel action groups.Anti hi speed rail brigade.Nimbies.
Over 10yrs ago now, I was working as a joiner refurbishing rail passenger coaches in Doncaster. The mk1s were uber manky, and over 40yrs old even then. Bet your bottom dollar the old crates are still in service as I write this. I cynically presume that this was viewed as investment in the rail infrastructure. Just thinking about
em now, I`m off to wash my hands!!
Its all part of a ploy to discredit and destroy this country. Transport is owned by foreigners, even the bloody Dartford Bridge, Gas, Electricity, Water, all foreign owned, even the bank of England has a foreigner running it ( Canadian ) Most of the Banks are foreign owned, in fact, most of the bloody country, they couldn’t stop us in 2 world wars, so theyre doing it diplomatically, weve been inundated with bloody foreigners, flooded her in droves, just to add to the woe, and to crown it all, weve joined a club, that’s costing us billions, we cant afford, that allows them to dictate our laws, over rules our own parliament, allows us to keep terrorists we don’t want, but want to kill us, is pushing us to the limits that we have to choose very carefully how we spend our money, on food or heating, tells us we have to pay immigrants benefits, whereby our own pensioners are starving or freezing to death, and whom have paid into the system all of their lives, yet get less out, than bloody immigrants who have paid sod all in. A weak government, who is afraid to stand up to the bully boys of Europe, who is afraid to withdraw badly needed funds from the overseas aid budget, in case we upset them ( how many billions have been sent to Africa over the years, and seen little improvement ) FFS they still don’t have clean water, we send aid to China, to India, who both have space programs, yet Dave
goes begging to China, to ask for some business, produced with the money we gave them in the first place, so anyway, that’s why, we dont have late transport when its needed, pay very high prices when we do have it, because the people running it, have no interest in us, our country, but only in their profits and shareholders.
. Transport is owned by foreigners, even the bloody Dartford Bridge.
No it’s not.
Its all part of a ploy to discredit and destroy this country. Transport is owned by foreigners, even the bloody Dartford Bridge, Gas, Electricity, Water, all foreign owned, even the bank of England has a foreigner running it ( Canadian ) Most of the Banks are foreign owned, in fact, most of the bloody country, they couldn’t stop us in 2 world wars, so theyre doing it diplomatically, weve been inundated with bloody foreigners, flooded her in droves, just to add to the woe, and to crown it all, weve joined a club, that’s costing us billions, we cant afford, that allows them to dictate our laws, over rules our own parliament, allows us to keep terrorists we don’t want, but want to kill us, is pushing us to the limits that we have to choose very carefully how we spend our money, on food or heating, tells us we have to pay immigrants benefits, whereby our own pensioners are starving or freezing to death, and whom have paid into the system all of their lives, yet get less out, than bloody immigrants who have paid sod all in. A weak government, who is afraid to stand up to the bully boys of Europe, who is afraid to withdraw badly needed funds from the overseas aid budget, in case we upset them ( how many billions have been sent to Africa over the years, and seen little improvement ) FFS they still don’t have clean water, we send aid to China, to India, who both have space programs, yetDave
goes begging to China, to ask for some business, produced with the money we gave them in the first place, so anyway, that’s why, we dont have late transport when its needed, pay very high prices when we do have it, because the people running it, have no interest in us, our country, but only in their profits and shareholders.
The main thing that’s wrong with this country is that no one seems to be able to write in English any more. I managed to get to the second sentence of this before giving up.
Watch Strange Days, Cold War Britain.
Dominic Sandbrook looked at the amount of money we spent on ‘Nukes’ whilst Germany,Japan & their allies were not allowed to spend much on defence (back to pitch forks & broom handles, lol)
We developed a Nuclear Defence Capability to try & keep up with the Yanks at ‘Any Cost’
In 1970 we spent 2.8 Billion on defence, more than 10% of the entire National Budget.
Very little was spent/invested on our own infrastructure while all our old enemy’s were developing their own.
That’s why the Nips have got Bullet Trains & the German Trains are much more efficient than ours.
During the program, he quoted the figures & said “That’s something to think about, next time you are waiting an hour for your train”
We hear every week.Over running engineering works.Trains on bus diversions.
Lots of men work at night and weekends,so what are they doing,sat in the tea room earning good money to delay commuters.
They should do a spot check on them at night.