English Egg Chasers!

congratulations to the English egg chasing team for bringing home the World Cup.

Swing low sweet chariot

was at work so had to lsten o it on the radio.sounded like a fantastic game.

see we can win something :smiley:

well done the boys


I don’t usually watch egg chasing but I thought with all the hype I’d give it a go, so started to watch it. I gave it until midway through the second half but thought it was very boring so went and did something else instead. :confused:

I can’t watch the game till tuesday. But from what I read to score the winning points in the final minute was amazing, I hope Jonny Willkinson can have the cup at home.

never heard it called that before :smiley: but very apt. glad to see there were some (i presume) footy fans who were prepared to have a go at watching. to those who didnt see it, what a game, i’m a saffer :blush: and even i couldn’t be torn away from the screen.well done to martin and the boys THE BEST TEAM WON IN THE END(OUCH THAT HURT) :sunglasses:

So those proud english people out there who are apparently well into their sport will know that england won another world cup the week they won the rugby do any of you know what one it was?.

P.S. does anyone know if poor old Johnny has got his ball back yet? (snigger ■■■■■■■ snigger)

elephant polo by any chance?Oh I love having a decent radio in my rig :stuck_out_tongue:

elephant polo by any chance?Oh I love having a decent radio in my rig :stuck_out_tongue:

So those proud english people out there who are apparently well into their sport will know that england won another world cup the week they won the rugby do any of you know what one it was?.

P.S. does anyone know if poor old Johnny has got his ball back yet? (snigger [zb] snigger)


Offshore fishing…
