End of an era

So, it’s looking like tomorrow will be my last day in work (warehouse) and I have the weekend off before I start my new job monday morning. Still feels strange as I’ve never left a company that I’ve been with for so long (going on 7 years), but still, onwards and upwards!

It’s going to be a big but very welcome career change, I will finally be doing something that I enjoy instead of being nothing more than a wage slave. Really excited and can’t wait to get out on the road. There’s just one problem, getting the hang of those pesky tachos’! I’m really worried about not being able to input manual entries or record work properly resulting in me either going over my hours or running out of hours. I guess the only way to learn properly is hands on. I’ve tried the online simulator but it can get a bit tricky. Suppose I’ll have to keep practicing!

Congrats, and hope it all goes well for you, as for tachos if your not sure thats what the printouts are for :wink:

dont worry to much about it, and im sure there will be a driver out there thatll give you a hand sometime.


Take it easy out there and let us know how it goes.

Tachos are easier when you use them day in day out.

And people on here will always help if you are stuck.

TNUK should maybe host a buddy system like PDF use, for those who are looking for reassurance for first couple of weeks.

Been driving for 3 years now. I just put my card in, ok the country, thats it really. Touch it only for breaks. Don’t worry too much about it.

Take it easy out there and let us know how it goes.

Tachos are easier when you use them day in day out.

And people on here will always help if you are stuck.

TNUK should maybe host a buddy system like PDF use, for those who are looking for reassurance for first couple of weeks.

Just wondering - why has no one bothered to say anything to the guy that left his card in all night? He only has a wild guess from me to go on, and I am on analogues 99% of time!

How did your first week go then :question:

I start next week (Monday). Just finished working my notice :smiley:

:blush: that will teach me to read things properly :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
good luck with it all next week :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks :smiley: Start my 2 day induction tomorrow. Starting to get a bit nervous now but excited at the same time! Will be a welcome challenge starting somewhere new after so long at the same place.

Keeps your brain fresh learning something new, good luck out there.

Thanks :smiley: Start my 2 day induction tomorrow. Starting to get a bit nervous now but excited at the same time! Will be a welcome challenge starting somewhere new after so long at the same place.

Enjoy the induction. It’ll be lots of H&S just for the idiots that pull off bays on red lights etc.

Living the pixie dream :slight_smile: