employment contracts

many moons ago when i was a young pup, i had to study contract law as part of a college course. we mainly concentrated on copyright and that sort of thing, but something very interesting came up which i used some years ago.
i was given an employment contract from an employer, they just handed it to me, and expected me to just sign it there and then, but i wouldn’t, i wanted to take it away,and read it. and it was just as well that i did.there was something i didn’t agree with.
so i used some tipex to get rid of the bits i didn’t like, then photocopied the relevent page, signed it, and handed it in, the boss countersigned it, then copied it, and handed me my copy.
it didn’t take long before the [zb] hit the fan. at this point the big boss got involved. he was very annoyed, but not with me.
the contract was legally binding, even though i’d changed the origional copy to suit myself.

the reason i have posted this, is because i have read many times on here about drivers being shafted by dodgy contracts.
play the buggers at there own game.

Thanks for that Phil, it’s a more constructive, albeit unorthodox :laughing: bit of advice than what you said on the paying for damage thread, I take back what I said to you on there :laughing:

Yes Phil, I can see how that one played… :wink:

The payroll person spotted that you were on £1,000 per week for simply turning up for 10mins on a Friday to collect it. :open_mouth:

Then the boss spotted that he had to pay for the magnets and angle-grinder blades. :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for that Phil, it’s a more constructive, albeit unorthodox :laughing: bit of advice than what you said on the paying for damage thread, I take back what I said to you on there :laughing:

no worries. :laughing:
some of my comments are designed to promt a reaction, some are serious.
but i’m [zb]ed if i can figure out which is which sometimes. :laughing:

ps. this thread is one of my serious ones.

39,349,409 disenfranchised workers like this. :grimacing: