Have I inadvertently put it there myself, as I aint all that savvy on this sort of stuff, what does it mean…(may regret asking that bit. ) and how do I remove it if I wanted to.
Not a problem btw, I’m just curious
Yep cheers for that Simon and Tacho, it looks like you are right.
Just checked, Aug 19 2007 was when I joined the forum 17 years ago today…
when I was 10 years old.
It’s the secret new algorithm that the owners of TN which using A.I. puts a suitable emoji according to the things you like best. It couldn’t understand NUFC so settled instead on cake Porky
I was so impressed by your cake emoji that I went into my profile and tried to install a palm tree against my name. Not possible. I reckon the birthday cake theory is the most plausible theory so far