Emoji next to my name

Just noticed next to my username on the forum there is an emoji of a slice of cake.

Have I inadvertently put it there myself, as I aint all that savvy on this sort of stuff, what does it mean…(may regret asking that bit. :joy:) and how do I remove it if I wanted to.
Not a problem btw, I’m just curious

It probably means it’s your birthday? Aka birthday cake?

Goes off the date of you birth when entered when you signed up.

The strange little icon shows that it’s the anniversary of the day you joined the forum :smile:

On a desktop you can put the cursor over it and a tooltip shows what it is.

Don’t tell everyone, they’ll all want a slice. Make mine chocolate, please mate. :moon_cake:

Really? All it tells me is Screenshot_Chrome, with a load of numbers in between the 2 words. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I use MS Edge but I’ve just tried it in Chrome and I’m getting the same tooltip as in Edge.

I can’t post an image because tooltips don’t show up in screenshots but it says “Today is the anniversary of the day I joined the community”

Yep cheers for that Simon and Tacho, it looks like you are right.
Just checked, Aug 19 2007 was when I joined the forum 17 years ago today…
when I was 10 years old.:joy:

We live and learn, I’ve just found that on Windows the snipping Tool can be made to take an image of tooltips :smile:


Sorry mate that is a classic Woòosh for me.
I aint got a clue what you are even talking about now.:joy:

It’s the secret new algorithm that the owners of TN which using A.I. puts a suitable emoji according to the things you like best. It couldn’t understand NUFC so settled instead on cake Porky :+1:

Oooooh you ■■■■■ I’m hurt.:cry:
Apparently the female canine is also banned :roll_eyes:

:rofl: I was so impressed by your cake emoji that I went into my profile and tried to install a palm tree against my name. Not possible. I reckon the birthday cake theory is the most plausible theory so far :cake: :desert_island: :joy:

I’m still waiting for my card and present off them btw …in fact I’m gonna stop speaking to Dave for starters.:wink: :joy:

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